Friday Vocabulary

1. velleity — the merest wish, without any attempt to gain it For some, reading self-help books becomes an end in itself, substituting a velleity for a program.   2. hamartia — tragic flaw Bill Clinton’s sexual misadventures seem matched by the hubris of many politicians today, but they pale beside Nixon’s hamartia — a …

Reverting The Code

The tired despair I feel on rolling back the latest code Should really not compare to heartsick feelings for the wronged, The pained, the lost, the dying, lonely unwashed left alone. And yet….                  The hordes of homeless, each intersection’s beggars, The staring children of hopeless hunger and mothers with matted hair, Compel me only to …

Friday Vocabulary

1. stound — a throbbing pain; ache Her unkind words left a stound in my heart.   2. calced — wearing shoes According to past popular misconception, the calced natives of the South consisted solely of the upper class.   3. feckless — irresponsible, unreliable The feckless attempts of politicians to fulfill their campaign promises …

Reflections on the Woman Cutting in Line at the Airport

1. That she is rude 2. That she is uncaring 3. That she has defective math skills, and does not realize that 29 is a later number than 26 4. That she is unskilled in logic, and does not realize that her A29 means one and only one person might be behind her in the …

Friday Vocabulary

1. dehiscence — bursting of a surgical closure; opening of seed-pod or fruits The vomitous debate about raising the debt ceiling threatens either the dehiscence of red ink across our children’s future or a return to the safety net of feudalism.   2. paltering — insincere, lying speech But your selfish tongue brings only paltering …