anaphrodisiac n. agent or substance capable of reducing sexual desire
anastomosis n. opening between spaces not usually connected
anathema n. detested or hated thing or person, abomination; formal curse pronounced as part of excommunication
anent prep. in respect to, concerning
anfractuous adj. sinuous, circuitous
anhedonia n. inability to experience pleasure
animadversion n. criticism, esp. that implying censure
anisotropy n. difference in the value of a substance’s properties along different axes
ankylose v. to stiffen, join, or fuse together two originally distinct bones, or bone and another substance (such as a tooth)
annelid n. worm
anniversary n. celebration of the yearly recurrence of a past event
anodyne adj. pain-relieving; soothing; inoffensive, bland
anon adv. soon
anosmia n. loss of the olfactory sense
anosognosia n. neuropsychiatric disorder in which sufferer takes no cognizance of their own serious disability
antalgic adj. easing pain
antecubital adj. of that part of the arm on the other side from the elbow
antetype n. prototype, early form
anthophobia n. fear of flowers
anticlinal adj. loping downwards to both sides of a central axis or ridge
antimasque n. grotesque dance preceding or appearing between acts of a masque
antimony n. silver-white metal element used in alloys and medical compounds
antinomy n. contradiction, paradox
antiperistalsis n. reversed peristalsis, upward (instead of downward) impelled motion of the intestines’ contents
antiperistasis n. quality whereby opposition to a force causes the original force to grow stronger
antiphrasis n. use of a word in the opposite sense of its usual meaning
antipodes n. places directly opposite each other upon a globe; exact opposites
antipyretic adj. tending to reduce fever
antiscorbutic n. agent useful against scurvy
antonomasia n. use of epithet, title, or appellation in place of proper name; use of proper name to designate an idea or another person supposed to share the characteristic property of that named rhetoric
antrum n. cavity in a bone or other part of the anatomy; esp. the nasal cavity
anuria n. lack of urine, failure of kidneys to produce urine
anxiolytic adj. relieving anxiety
aorist n. simple past tense in Ancient Greek, with no further limitations or restrictions; undefined
aoudad n. Barbary sheep
aperient adj. laxative
aphelion n. point at which a body in solar orbit is farthest from the sun
apical adj. of or related to an apex
apocope n. loss, omission, or suppression of final letter, syllable, or sound of a word
apodictic adj. incontestable because demonstrable
apolaustic adj. dedicated to pleasure or enjoyment
apologue n. allegorical tale with a moral lesson
apolune n. highest point of an orbit around a moon
apophallation n. the biting off of the penis
apophasis n. rhetorical figure in which speaker brings up the very subject he or she pretends to deny
apophenia n. tendency to incorrectly perceive connections between unrelated things
aposiopesis n. rhetorical device in which the speaker suddenly stops, as if unable or unwilling to continue
apostrophe n. rhetorical figure wherein the speaker digresses and pointedly addresses some person or personified object
apotelesm n. the casting of a horoscope
apothegm n. terse maxim; sententious saying