apotheosis n. deification, elevation to the rank of a god
apotropaic adj. intended to ward off evil
appanage n. customary accompaniment
appetence n. longing, desire; instinctive inclination
apple scrumping n. to steal apples from an orchard, to take fallen apples from another’s grounds
appoggiatura n. grace-note prepended to essential tone of a melody
apposite adj. well put, suitable
appositive n. word or phrase used in apposition (grammar)
apricity n. light or heat of the sun obsolete
apteryx n. kiwi
aptotic adj. uninflected
aquamanile n. medieval pitcher, often shaped like an animal
arabesque adj. fanciful decoration or ornament combining figures, flora, and fauna in flowing lines; fantastic, oddly mixed
arbalest n. crossbow using metal bow to shoot bolts or stones
architrave n. primary beam or lintel lying atop a series of columns, the lowest section of a classical entablature (below the frieze and cornice), epistyle; frame with mouldings around door or window
arctics n. waterproof overshoes appropriate for cold weather
arctophile n. lover or collector of teddy bears
areology n. study of the planet Mars
argal conj. therefore (used facetiously to suggest clumsy reasoning)
argosy n. large merchant ship; merchant fleet; large supply
argy-bargy n. vigorous verbal dispute, loud wrangling
Arimaspian n. legendary single-eyed peoples of northern Scythia
aristarchian adj. very or overly critical
armamentarium n. materials and methods for performing given duties
armscye n. armhole in a garment
arnophilia n. bestial sexual congress between men and sheep
aroint v. begone, get hence archaic
arpent n. old French unit of area roughly equal to an acre, still used in Francophone America
arrack n. liquor made from fermented sap of palm or cane or fermented rice, typically distilled in India and Southeast Asia
arrant adj. notorious, unmitigated
arras n. rich tapestry; hanging screen of such
arris n. sharp edge formed by join of two surfaces architecture
arseniuretted adj. combined with arsenic to form an arsenide
arshin n. measurement of about 28 inches used in Imperial Russia and up to 1925
artemon n. square sail on a sharply steeved spar at the bow of ancient Roman or Greek merchant vessels and ships
asafetida n. stinky gum used in cooking, derived from plant of the same name
ascend v. to move upward
aseity n. metaphysical quality of absolute self-sufficient self existence, existence derived solely from self
ashlar n. square-cut stone; masonry made of such stone
asperse v. to bespatter with false accusations; to slander, to traduce
assart v. to root up trees and bushes from land for cultivation
asseverate v. to assert, to aver
assiduous adj. persistently diligent, constant
assort v. to distribute like things according to type
astart v. to befall; to escape, to start off
asthenia n. debility, lack of strength
astonied adj. stunned; dazed archaic
astragal n. anklebone; bead-shaped molding; molding at junction of double doors to prevent drafts
asyndeton n. figure omitting conjunctions rhetoric
atabal n. Moorish tambour or kettle-drum