ataraxy n. state of freedom from emotional distress and anxiety
athodyd n. ramjet
athwart adv. across from side to side, transversely; (nautical) from side to side of a ship; across the course of
atrabilious adj. melancholy; splenetic
atramental adj. of or related to ink or blacking
atresic adj. of or related to congenital lack or pathological obstruction of bodily cavity or opening
attap n. mangrove palm used in the construction of homes and buildings in villages throughout Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.; thatch roof made of such material
attar n. essential oil made from flowers, esp. from roses
attenuate v. to make thin or thinner; to reduce the force of
aubade n. song or poem in honor of the dawn
aubergine n. eggplant; dark purple
aumbry n. cupboard, locker; recess in church wall for storage (of sacramental vessels, books, etc.) (archaic spelling of ambry)
auscultation n. diagnosis through listening to bodily sounds, usually with a stethoscope
austringer n. trainer and keeper of goshawks or other short-winged hawks (also astringer)
autarchy n. self-government; absolute power
avaunt int. begone, go away archaic
avenaceous adj. of or related to oats
avernal adj. of or related to Lake Avernus, Italian lake famed for its noxious fumes and thought to be an entrance to Hell; hellish
avidin n. protein in white of eggs which prevents action of vitamin B
avoirdupois n. weight measurement system based upon a pound of 16 ounces; body weight
awhile adv. for a short period of time
axillary adj. of or related to the armpit
axletree n. fixed bar of wood or iron on the opposite ends of which the wheels of a wagon or carriage revolve
ayah n. nanny or nurse (usu. native) working for Europeans in Southeast Asia
azan n. Muslim call to prayer
azonic adj. not local, not of any particular region
azote n. nitrogen
backdate v. to antedate, to mark with date earlier than actual date
backhand n. handwriting that slopes to the left
bad cess to n. a curse upon, may evil befall idiom
badmash miscreant, ruffian, dishonest man or youth
bailiwick n. area of expertise or skill
bain-marie n. steam table, receptacle containing hot water in which other vessels containing food are placed to cook or to keep warm; (British) double boiler
baize n. woolen fabric with long nap, usu. green, resembling felt, frequently seen covering billiard tables
baldachin n. rich brocade; canopy over a throne, altar, or doorway
baldric n. belt worn across the breast from shoulder to hip, supporting a sword or bugle, etc.
balliwick n. area of expertise; jurisdiction district for a bailiff
baluster n. (architecture) short pillar, usu. supporting a handrail or coping (which series is then called a balustrade)
bamboula n. drum made from a rum barrel; dance using such a drum
banal adj. unoriginal or common in a boring fashion
bandbox n. small cardboard box for storing collars or small hats
bangle v. to squabble, to noisily dispute
bangtail n. racehorse slang
banjo v. to beat, to knock down, to thrash slang
Bantustan n. one of the quasi-autonomous ‘homelands’ for blacks under South Africa’s apartheid regime
barbel n. slender filament dangling from the mouths of certain fishes (such as the catfish), in which taste buds are located
barbola n. decorative fruit or flowers made from barbotine; such decoration when added to a craft piece
barcarolle n. gondolier’s song
barchan n. crescent-shaped sand dune formed by wind
bariatric adj. of or related to treatment of obesity and associated conditions