tumbaga n. gold and copper alloy used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
tumbrel n. two-wheeled wooden cart, esp. that used to convey persons to the guillotine during the French Revolution
tumid adj. swollen; bombastic
turbary n. land where peat or turf may be cut for fuel; legal right to cut turf or peat on such land
turbid adj. opaque with suspended matter, muddy, cloudy
turf v. to forcibly remove, to kick out (also turf out) British
turgid adj. pompous, overblown
tussock n. tuft, clump, or bunch of grass or sedge
tutelary adj. of or related to a guardian or guardianship
tweeny n. auxiliary maidservant, assisting both the cook and housemaid
twoc v. to steal, esp. a car (from the phrase ‘taking without owner’s consent’) British
tylectomy n. removal of tumor or cyst by surgery, esp. from the breast; lumpectomy
tympanic adj. related to the eardrum; of or resembling a drum
tympany n. swelling of the bowels caused by a build up of gas in the intestines
tyne v. (also tine) to close or shut
typewriter n. submachine gun (esp. a Thompson submachine gun) slang
uffish adj. “a state of mind when the voice is gruffish, the manner roughish, and the temper huffish” [Lewis Carroll]
ugglesome adj. gruesome, horrible
ululate v. to howl or wail, esp. by alternating loud high-pitched sounds
umbel n. inflorescence of short flower stalks radiating from a common center botany
umbelliferous adj. belonging to the parsley family; having umbels
umbrage n. offense, annoyance; slightest feeling, as of suspicion or dislike; shade or shadow
umbrageous adj. shady, providing shade
unchancy adj. unlucky; dangerous Scots
unctuous adj. excessively polite or flattering, smarmy; oily, greasy
undercroft n. underground chamber or vault, crypt
underwood n. small trees or shrubs grown beneath timber
undine n. water nymph or spirit
undulate v. to move in a wavelike manner; to look like a wave
unhouseled adj. in the condition of not having received the Eucharist obsolete
Uniate n. member of one of the Christian churches in eastern Europe or the Middle East which acknowledges papal supremacy but retains its own liturgy
union n. enormous pearl archaic
university n. totality, entirety; the universe obsolete
univocal adj. having only a single meaning, unambiguous
unlax v. to relax slang
unsavory adj. without taste, insipid; distasteful; morally or socially disagreeable
unweeting adj. unwitting obsolete
unwonted adj. unusual, not customary; unaccustomed
urinator n. diver obsolete
Urschleim n. primordial soup
urticant adj. producing stinging or itching sensations
urticaria n. hives
usufruct n. right to benefit and profit from a property without actual ownership nor the right to destroy, diminish, or alienate said property
uxorious adj. doting upon or excessively submissive to one’s wife
vacuously adv. emptily
vade mecum n. handbook or manual for constant reference; EDC item Latin
vair n. regular tesselated cup-shaped design in alternating colors, usu. blue and white (‘argent’); fur of a white-bellied squirrel used often in medieval times for trimmings of coats, etc. heraldry
valedictory adj. of or related to farewells or to saying goodbye
valetudinarian n. person obsessively concerned with his or her poor health
valiance n. bravery; deed of valor