Friday Vocabulary

1. mizzle — (British) to suddenly depart, to vanish Sure looks like your friend mizzled and left you to pick up the tab.   2. menology — written calendar of saints’ biographies, arranged by each saint’s feast day The conversion of St. Cyriac is only attested in the Greek Menology of Emperor Basil, in which …

Friday Vocabulary

1. egregious — remarkable in a bad way, flagrant To continue supporting my nephew after his blatant malfeasance would be an egregious error on my part.   2. threnody — song or poem of lamentation, dirge, song for the dead The susurration of the wind through the glade seemed a threnody as I watched the …

Friday Vocabulary

1. aelurophile — (also ailurophile) cat lover He had that one condition almost fatal to an aelurophile: an allergy to cats.   2. distrait — distracted, absent-minded I should have known something was wrong when Arthur seemed so distrait at dinner that he ordered red wine with fish.   3. polder — low land reclaimed …

Friday Vocabulary

1. desultory — halfheartedly jumping from one subject to another, fitful, disconnected; lacking consistency, unmethodical, random Was it truly only my own prejudice which made me fear another hour’s desultory conversation with Howard, while I looked forward with eagerness to a delightfully discursive evening’s talk with his cousin?   2. baluster — (architecture) short pillar, …

Friday Vocabulary

1. gyniolatry — worship of women Perhaps Poul Anderson’s gyniolatry may seem to balance Philip K. Dick’s misogyny, though more likely both are perversions of the true view of relations between the sexes.   2. phenakistiscope — first device for viewing animated images, consisting of a revolving disc with distinct illustrations that appeared in motion …

Friday Vocabulary

1. pluviophile — lover of rain and rainy days As the storm subsided into a steady shower, Daniel looked out into the comforting grey sky and he realized how much he had missed rainy days, realized that he had always been a pluviophile, perhaps since he used to visit his grandfather in the little county …