Ninety-nine Thousand (99,000)

Just listened to my 99,000th unique iTunes track, a bland piece of nothing from the Freaky Friday soundtrack, “Brand New Day” by Forty Foot Echo. I would have preferred the milestone to have fallen to the preceding song, Steve Earle’s “Down The Road” from Guitar Town.

99,000 unique tracks comprises 653.99 GB of data, with a total duration of 280 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, and 17 seconds (without allowance for multiple plays). My iTunes collection still has 81,351 items left unplayed — a ~5k increase in the number or tracks, due mostly to downloading old radio shows from after becoming enamored with the Dragnet programs mentioned in my last note on music. The unplayed tracks take up 561.56 GB of data (↑ 79GB) with a playing time of 306 days, 15 hours, 16 minutes, and 42 seconds (↑ 84 days, due to the aforementioned radio shows, most of which are 30 minutes long).

I’m preparing a more detailed analysis, similar to that in my 100 Books note, and will let you know when that’s done.

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