200,000 Songs (No, really)

Though of course it is difficult for we humans to enumerate more things than we have fingers (or fingers and toes, for the more vigesimally inclined), and though I still misdoubt Bourbaki’s great project to ensconce numbers firmly within Set Theory, still one must begin to count somewhere, and eventually one must leave off counting, …

One Hundred And Twenty Thousand Songs (120,000)

This afternoon I listened to my 120,000th unique iTunes ‘song’.* The 119,000th track was the rockin’ Ric Cartey number, “Scratching On My Screen”, found on Volume 6 of Rockabilly Gold. The Stats At six score thousand tracks heard, I’ve listened to 519 days, 8 hours, 31 minutes, and 48 seconds of total music and other …

One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand (119,000) Songs

Around ten thirty this morning I once more crossed an imaginary line in my mind and find that I have now listened to 119,000 unique iTunes ‘songs’.* The 119,000th track was a fairly pedestrian effort by Glenn Miller’s band, with vocals by Ray Eberle, “And the Angels Sing”. It was on a Reader’s Digest compilation …

One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Songs (118,000)

Almost failed to notice that I’ve passed another imaginary milepost and have now listened to 118,000 unique iTunes ‘songs’,* which I did five days ago, just before noon. (That would be Thursday for those of you playing along at home.) The 118,000th track was the rip-roaring “Totem Pole” by the tragically fated Lee Morgan, off …

One Hundred and Seventeen Songs (117,000)

More than two hundred days after my last thousand songs were heard, I have just listened to my 117,000th unique iTunes track, a somewhat mediocre though I suppose historically interesting rendition of the Wilson Pickett classic “In The Midnight Hour” by a group of rock legends jamming at a Taj Mahal concert in Hollywood in …

One Hundred and Sixteen Thousand Songs (116,000)

Over 93 days after my last thousand songs were heard, I have just listened to my 116,000th unique iTunes track, a likable enough country number from Rosanne Cash, “Green, Yellow, and Red”, from her 1987 album King’s Record Shop. I am reliably informed (well, yes, I read it on the Interwebs) that Ms. Cash was …

One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Songs (115,000)

So 57 days after my last thousand songs were heard, I have just listened to my 115,000th unique iTunes track, music familiar to anyone who has sat through David Niven’s turn as the famous British secret agent James Bond. The tune, “Sir James’ Trip To Find Mata”,* is one of Burt Bacharach’s contributions to the …

114,000 Songs

A mere 54 days after my last thousand songs were heard, I have just heard my 114,000th unique iTunes track, a sadly lyrical song written in the Theresienstadt (Terezín) concentration camp by Karel Berman, “Před usnutím” (‘Before Sleep’), performed almost miraculously by the composer himself in 1985. Berman survived Auschwitz to become a quite famous …