100k, the Last Thousand

As promised, here’s some data about the most recent 1,000 songs I listened to. These made up the last 1% of 100,000 unique tracks heard.


We consider merely the 1,000 tracks played by iTunes (or its related phone app) from the April 2 to June 9, in the year 2017* — which tracks comprise numbers 99,001 – 100,000 in my ‘Already Played’ Smart Playlist.†

*Those paying attention to my earlier report will note that the last investigation covered songs played through March 28th — So why the 5 day gap? Due to the fact that songs may be played multiple times, a repeated play of a song heard before may ‘push out’ a new song from the LastX set of songs. That is, if we consider the ‘Last 10’ songs and start from the 91st song, counting up to 100 unique songs, and songs 91-99 are all new (single play) tracks, but the would-be 100th track is a repeat of #1, we’ve still only listened to 99 total songs; if we now listen to a new track for #100, the song which had earlier been #91 has been ‘pushed down’ to #90 (due to the fact that the former #1 is now #99) and the time at which that song was heard has been lost, replaced by the Last Played time of the former song #92 (now #91). Taking this over 1,000 songs explains why we’re missing quite a few days. Alas, some songs are lost from our view, like some strange Feynman Diagram of data.

†More details about this playlist and associated details (including that covered in the preceding note) can be found in this earlier post on reaching 99,000 songs. The same caveats about data modification apply.


Changes in the conditions of my material life continue. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the primary fact presented by these 1,000 songs: Over 80% of all tracks played are Radio Shows.

80.3% of all tracks played were Radio Shows

As previously mentioned, these tracks were played between April 2 and June 9, 2017, making a total of 68 days to play these 1,000 songs. Thus nearly 15 songs were played per day.

14.7 Songs played per Day

Assuming that each track was played only once during the thousand song run — not an entirely valid assumption (and see note * above), but a fair hypothesis for this analysis — the total amount of time taken to play these 1k songs was 19 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes, and 21 seconds.

Total Time of Tracks: 19 Days, 17 Hours, 17 Minutes, and 21 Seconds

Since these songs were played over a stretch of 68 days, and given the total length of time of all played tracks above, this means that just over 29% of this 68-day period was spent listening to iTunes in one way or another.

29% of Each Day spent listening to iTunes


6 hours and 57-1/2 minutes per day Listening to Stuff

Once again, most of these tracks have only been played once. Specifically, 900 songs (9/10) were played for the first time during this most recent thousand tracks. The remaining 100 songs with multiple plays together have been played a grand total of 354 times.

900 Tracks heard for the 1st Time



The data shows the prevalence of Radio Shows in my recent listening. Here is a chart, broken down by genre, showing what was included in these one thousand tracks:

Songs by Genre

And here is a table showing those genres which each provided over 1% of the total number of tracks played:

Songs Played by Genre

Radio Show 803
Rock 76
Pop 16
Alternative 14
Jazz 13
Novelty 11

All the rest of tracks played make up 6.7% of the total.

But the prevalence of Radio Shows is even greater than shown by this first view, due to the fact that (natürlich) the average radio show is longer than most popular songs. If we inspect the tracks played with respect to their duration we discover that the Radio Show genre actually makes up almost 97% of the total.

96.92% of time spent listening to Radio Shows

Here’s the chart:
Time by Genre
Usually I’d put a table in here to follow up the chart, but the reality is that only one other Genre made up more than 1% of the total time spent listening. This was Rock, which 1.14% of the total duration spent listening to these thousand tracks. That big green bar in the chart up above, representing time of Jazz songs? That represents only 0.31% of the total time. I almost made a table of the contributions by time excepting Radio Shows, but … meh.

Again, due to the overwhelming preponderance of old radio shows among these thousand tracks, the average length of the played tracks was twenty-eight minutes and twenty-four seconds. This was very similar to the average from the last thousand tracks, being only twenty seconds less.

Average length of played tracks: 28:23.8

Radio shows had the longest average, at thirty-four minutes and seventeen seconds (34:16.6). Only two other Genres averaged over ten minutes: Avant-Garde (a single Salvador Dalí track from Être Dieu, lasting twenty-five minutes and five seconds) and History (three selections, averaging ten minutes and fifteen seconds each). Since I ripped you off last time, here’s another table:

Average Length of Tracks by Genre
(with more than 10 tracks played)

Radio Show (803 tracks) 28:23.8
Jazz (13 tracks)  6:40.2
Novelty (11 tracks)  5:48.4
Rock (76 tracks)  4:16.5
Pop (16 tracks)  3:51.5
Alternative (14 tracks)  3:25


Radio Shows contributed (of course) most of the songs when we regard them by albums. Over half the tracks played came from just fourteen albums.

528 tracks came from just 14 albums

Of course, grouping Radio Shows into ‘albums’ means that these have more tacks than the average CD. Of the fourteen albums mentioned above, the smallest contribution was over seventeen tracks. All of the albums making up this majority of tracks heard were Radio Shows. The first non-radio album on the list, with seven tracks, was Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits. (This album has only nine tracks — a respectable number — so that it would never have made the top of the list anyway.) The top fourteen albums are:

Lux Radio Theatre 112 tracks
Theater Five 73
The Green Hornet 38
Sears Radio Theater 36
Space Patrol 36
Suspense 33
NBC University Theater 32
Mystery House 31
CBS Radio Mystery Theater 28
Have Gun, Will Travel 28
Words At War 23
Zero Hour 23
You Are There 18
Gunsmoke 17


All of the most played artists this time around were those actors appearing in the most frequent albums/shows mentioned above. The list includes the luminaries John Dehner and William Conrad (for Have Gun, Will Travel and Gunsmoke respectively), as well as Al Hodge, Jack McCarthy (who both played The Green Hornet) and Earle Graser (who played The Lone Ranger during the 30’s).


As I said earlier, the vast majority — 900 — of the played tracks have only been heard once (by me). The 100 songs which have been played 354 times in toto primarily consist of songs played only twice (74 songs). And almost 20% of the 354 multiple plays came from one song — if ‘song’ it can be called, but as I have named radio episodes ‘songs’ who am I to quibble? — that single song being the first movement (Tacet) of John Cage’s 4’33”. It certainly has its appealing aspects.

Most played song (70 times): “4’33”: I – Tacet” by John Cage

The next most frequently played track was the work of genius “The Man’s Too Strong” by Dire Straits, which I’ve listened to (according to iTunes data) a total of thirteen times.

2nd most played song (13 times): “The Man’s Too Strong” by Dire Straits

Only two other songs in this last one thousand have been heard (by me) ten or more times, both of them covers: Johnny Cash’s masterful rendition of Trent Reznor’s “Hurt” (11 times), and “Working Class Hero” as performed by Marianne Faithfull live on her album Blazing Away.

The shortest track was only 3 seconds long, an audio sample from an experimental set of sound files from the radio station KKFS. The longest track lasted two hours, thirty minutes and forty-six seconds; this was “If Two Of Them Are Dead”, a week-long radio drama, from the series Zero Hour hosted by Rod Serling, which originally aired in September of 1973, though this particular recording was broadcast (putatively) from New Year’s Eve 1973 though January 4, 1974. The song closest to the average length (the median) was an episode of Suspense titled “On a Country Road” (aired May 5, 1959) which clocks in at seventeen minutes and twenty-nine seconds.


I usually refrain from getting into my ratings for specific tracks, etc. I will say, however, that the average rating for all 1,000 tracks was 3-3/4 stars. I won’t get into specific of my rating system save to say that this is lower than usual for rated items.

I will also say that not all radio shows are created equal, and that something was forgotten not long after television began to dominate American media. The reprise of radio in the 1970’s was for the most part a pale mimeograph of the original greats. However, many great shows aired on radio under the penumbra of the new medium of television. Shows such as Dragnet, Gunsmoke, and Have Gun, Will Travel were broadcast on both radio and TV, and the radio version of these shows were often at least as good — if not better — than the televised episodes.‡ Other good radio worth checking out includes Suspense, some of the Lux Radio Theatre, the fantastic Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, Let George Do It, and Box 13. And fans of history will love the wonderful dramatic recreations of You Are There. There are many other great shows, but the ones mentioned have enough extant episodes to make binge listening a possibility. (You might check out Pat Novak … For Hire for a different take on Jack Webb.)

‡Note that many of the available recordings of Have Gun, Will Travel are of lower quality. :(

I still hope to make an analysis of the full set of my first 100,000 songs. But I do not doubt that I won’t complete that before the next thousand tracks have passed my ears. Currently I’m knee-deep in Lux Radio Theatre episodes, and I’m trying to make up the over 100 day deficit between songs listened to and those I have not yet heard. So I expect the average track length to grow greatly in the next tranche.

Here is another sample of these last one thousand songs:

Another Tenth of One Thousand Tracks

# Artist Name Album Date Time Genre
10 “The Tin Whistle” The Columbia Workshop 11/23/1946 29:56 Radio Show
20 “The Last Letter of Dr Bronson” Suspense 7/27/1943 29:39 Radio Show
30 “Masquerade” CBS Radio Mystery Theater 2/11/1977 44:57 Radio Show
40 Abbott & Costello “Sam Shovel – Case Of The Russian Diplomat” The Abbott & Costello Show 11/18/1948 28:52 Radio Show
50 “The Strange Voyage of the Lady Dee” CBS Radio Mystery Theater 11/18/1974 43:58 Radio Show
60 “The Mystery of the Marie Celeste” Suspense 12/27/1955 29:13 Radio Show
70 Eric Dolphy “245” Seven Classic Albums 1960 6:51 Jazz
80 Spike Jones Guest – Francis Craig Spotlight Revue 11/14/1947 29:41 Radio Show
90 “A Table for Two” CBS Radio Mystery Theater 9/25/1978 42:32 Radio Show
100 Glen Langan “Monica Feels Threatened” Mystery Is My Hobby 1947 24:58 Radio Show
110 William Conrad “Maw Hawkins” Gunsmoke 3/8/1959 23:49 Radio Show
120 The White Stripes “Black Jack Davey” Black Jack Davey – Single 2004 5:06 Alternative
130 The Stooges “Head On” Metallic K.O. 1976 8:30 Rock
140 Bob Dylan & The Band “All-American Boy” A Tree With Roots, vol. 3 1967 3:57 Rock
150 “Great Impersonation” Studio One 1/27/1948 0:11 Radio Show
160 Tyrone Power & Barbara Stanwyck “This Above All” Lux Radio Theatre 9/14/1942 59:04 Radio Show
170 Bob & Ray “Lawrence Fechtenberger’s New Recruit” Bob & Ray Present the CBS Radio Network 11/25/1959 15:27 Radio Show
180 Ronald Reagan “Carbine Williams” Lux Radio Theatre 3/22/1954 55:12 Radio Show
190 Anne Baxter “The Affairs of Susan” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 8/24/1953 56:20 Radio Show
200 “The Elsner Case” The Line-Up 12/28/1950 29:41 Radio Show
210 John Dehner “Bad Bart” Have Gun, Will Travel 1/31/1960 24:29 Radio Show
220 “Condition: Red” Words At War 1/25/1944 29:29 Radio Show
230 Union Carbide Productions “Maximum Dogbreath” Financially Dissatisfied Philosophically Trying 1989 4:42 Rock
240 “Heart Of Darkness” NBC University Theater 5/15/1949 59:28 Radio Show
250 The English Beat “Ackee 1 2 3” Special Beat Service 1982 3:13 Rock
260 “The Good Samaritians” Theater Five 10/15/1964 20:47 Radio Show
270 Jimmy Stewart “Britt Poncett’s Christmas Carol” The Six Shooter 12/20/1953 28:58 Radio Show
280 “Lexington, Concord And Merriam’s Corner [April 19, 1775]” You Are There 5/15/1949 30:05 Radio Show
290 “Melodrama” Theater Five 8/13/1964 20:56 Radio Show
300 Jack Moyles “Ace High Straight” Rocky Jordan 12/12/1948 29:48 Radio Show
310 Bob Bailey “The Markham Matter” Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar 11/18/1956 30:00 Radio Show
320 “The Ship” Words At War 7/24/1943 29:27 Radio Show
330 Charles Russell “The Racehorse Piledriver Matter” Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar 10/8/1949 29:45 Radio Show
340 “Murder in Paradise” Mystery House 11/18/1945 26:26 Radio Show
350 “The Walls of Poison Ivy” Theater Five 7/14/1965 20:31 Radio Show
360 John Dehner “No Visitors” Have Gun, Will Travel 12/28/1958 24:23 Radio Show
370 Claudette Colbert “Thunder on the Hill” Lux Radio Theatre 11/9/1953 52:06 Radio Show
380 “A Leading Case” Sears Radio Theater 5/30/1979 48:57 Radio Show
390 “A Spy Ring In June” Stand By for Crime 1953 24:36 Radio Show
400 John Dehner “The Statue of San Sebastian” Have Gun, Will Travel 5/10/1959 23:55 Radio Show
410 “Murder Hires A Hall” Mystery House 6/7/1946 25:27 Radio Show
420 “Muncy’s Mob” Sears Radio Theater 5/24/1979 49:10 Radio Show
430 John Dehner “Assignment In Stone’s Crossing” Have Gun, Will Travel 11/8/1959 23:56 Radio Show
440 Jack Moyles “Up in Flames” Rocky Jordan 12/19/1948 29:38 Radio Show
450 “Design for Disaster” Space Patrol 9/11/1954 28:59 Radio Show
460 Dick Powell “To the Ends of the Earth” Lux Radio Theatre 5/23/1949 1:00:10 Radio Show
470 June Allyson & Margaret O’Brien “Little Women” Lux Radio Theatre 3/13/1950 59:53 Radio Show
480 Al Hodge “Gasoline And The Hornet” The Green Hornet 8/29/1943 29:23 Radio Show
490 Jack McCarthy “Murder and Espionage” The Green Hornet 11/28/1952 29:50 Radio Show
500 “Lonely Hearts Club Of Doom” Stand By for Crime 1953 24:43 Radio Show
510 Bob Bailey “The Flowers That Smelled of Murder”” Let George Do It 11/1/1948 29:40 Radio Show
520 Barbara Stanwyck & Barry Sullivan “Jeopardy” Lux Radio Theatre 3/15/1954 48:39 Radio Show
530 “The Show-Off” The Old Gold Comedy Theatre 1/21/1945 30:14 Radio Show
540 Jimmy Stewart “Apron Faced Sorrel” The Six Shooter 2/7/1954 28:32 Radio Show
550 Ross Martin “Chicago John And The Glitter People” Zero Hour 7/24/1974 23:41 Radio Show
560 Donovan Faust “Intrigue on the Waterfront” The Green Hornet 4/8/1944 29:14 Radio Show
570 “The Final Fall” Sears Radio Theater 2/19/1979 50:08 Radio Show
580 “The Ninth Commandment” Words At War 12/28/1943 29:58 Radio Show
590 “An Average American Murder” Theater Five 12/16/1964 20:20 Radio Show
600 “The Imposters” Theater Five 1/21/1965 21:42 Radio Show
610 R.E.M. “Superman” Life’s Rich Pageant 1986 2:52 Rock
620 Charlton Heston & Joan Fontaine “The President’s Lady” Lux Radio Theatre 9/28/1953 56:49 Radio Show
630 “Mama’s Girl” Theater Five 6/1/1965 21:14 Radio Show
640 “Murder Takes Practice” Mystery House 4/21/1946 27:07 Radio Show
650 “An Honorable Way” Theater Five 10/19/1964 19:50 Radio Show
660 John Dehner “French Leave” Have Gun, Will Travel 1/17/1960 24:56 Radio Show
670 Janet Leigh “Strictly Dishonorable” Lux Radio Theatre 12/8/1952 53:21 Radio Show
680 “The Strange Affliction” Sears Radio Theater 5/29/1979 51:09 Radio Show
690 “Sauce for the Goose” Mystery House 9/30/1945 26:01 Radio Show
700 The Yardbirds “I’m Not Talking” Shapes Of Things 1965 2:32 Rock
710 Joseph Cotten & Anne Baxter “Portrait Of Jenny” Lux Radio Theatre 10/31/1949 59:34 Radio Show
720 Cornell Wilde “Venom” Hollywood Star Playhouse 6/19/1950 29:17 Radio Show
730 “Death House Blues” Mystery House 10/7/1945 26:13 Radio Show
740 “The Composite Killer” Mystery House 5/5/1946 26:12 Radio Show
750 Ringo Starr “It Don’t Come Easy” Ringo 1973 2:47 Rock
760 “The Perfect Hostess” Sears Radio Theater 6/13/1979 39:19 Radio Show
770 Jack McCarthy “Election Boomerang” The Green Hornet 10/15/1952 30:00 Radio Show
780 Anne Baxter & Dan Dailey “A Ticket to Tomahawk” Lux Radio Theatre 6/4/1951 54:27 Radio Show
790 Don Douglas “The Sixth Bullet” John Steele, Adventurer 1/30/1951 29:58 Radio Show
800 “The Lord of the Witch Doctors” Suspense 10/27/1942 29:19 Radio Show
810 “The Trophy” Theater Five 1/15/1965 22:14 Radio Show
820 “Any Port in A Storm” Theater Five 3/16/1965 22:09 Radio Show
830 Frank Lovejoy “The Night Is a Weapon” Night Beat 2/13/1950 33:44 Radio Show
840 Earle Graser “The Mystery Of Apache Valley” The Lone Ranger 1/11/1939 29:33 Radio Show
850 Peggy Seeger “Letter to Pete” Pete Seeger’s 90th Birthday: The Clearwater Concert 2009 6:34 Folk
860 “Lewis and Clark” The General Mills Radio Adventure Theater 4/23/1977 40:07 Radio Show
870 “The Trial of John Peter Zenger [August 4, 1735]” You Are There 2/6/1949 29:02 Radio Show
880 William Gargan “Death of a Private Eye” Barrie Craig, Confidential Investigator 1/2/1952 29:08 Radio Show
890 “Courtesy” X Minus One 8/18/1955 24:17 Radio Show
900 “The Hideout” Words At War 5/1/1945 28:52 Radio Show
910 Love Academy “Originell” LVCDM EP 2010 2:17 Punk
920 Owen Gray “Lonely Days” Independent Jamaica (Songs of Freedom from the Treasure Isle) 1962 1:59 Reggae
930 Iron & Wine “No Moon” 2009-05-13 – Schubas – Chicago, IL 2009 3:43 Alternative
940 “A Sense of Pride” Sears Radio Theater 6/7/1979 39:19 Radio Show
950 Desmond Dekker & the Aces “Shing A Ling” The Original Reggae Hitsound of Desmond Dekker and The Aces 1968 2:19 Reggae
960 Buffalo Springfield “49 Reasons” (demo) The Missing Herd: Vol. 6 Do Not Approach Buffalo 2:29 Rock
970 Manito “Na baixa da sapateiro” Black Rio – Brazil Soul Power 1971-1980 1970 3:28 R&B
980 “The March of Time – Pearl Harbor” The March of Time 12/11/1941 24:23 History
990 The Grateful Dead “St. Stephen” 1978-01-22 – McArthur Court, U of Oregon, Eugene, OR 1978 7:35 Rock
1000 The Louvin Brothers “I Wonder Where You Are Tonight” Close Harmony 1993 2:42 Country

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