Friday Vocabulary

1. stifle — joint between tibia and femur in rear legs of some four-legged animals, corresponding to human knee Pugs are, of course, subject to patellar luxation (also known as slipped stifles) so you want to be sure your dog shows strength and free action through the hocks and stifles.   2. heterochromia — having …

Friday Vocabulary

1. doula — trained woman assisting mother during and after childbirth Though the doula may provide emotional support and practical advice, she differs from a midwife in that she cannot perform medical activities.   2. congener — something of the same type as another; living organism belonging to same genus as another; fusel alcohols and …

Friday Vocabulary

1. panentheism — tenet that God is the entirety of the universe and yet somehow transcends the universe as well The author claims Rumi as a believer in panentheism because the Sufi poet finds God to be both transcendent and immanent, but then again, this is also the view held in most Catholic orthodoxy.   …

Friday Vocabulary

1. mononymously — using a single-word name And so he joined other mononymously known natural scientists such as Darwin and Mendel, though in Lysenko’s case it was because he was infamous as a fraud.   2. landrace — plant or animal exemplar purposely bred to thrive in local conditions The bitter potato landraces exhibit greater …

Friday Vocabulary

1. fescue — pointer of straw, wire, etc. Chillingsworth now placed the tip of his birch fescue on the map projected upon the wall by the clever device he’d carried in his vest pocket.   2. oho — exclamation of surprise, elation, recognition “Oho!” exclaimed Percy brightly. “Looks like the hand is afoot now!” as …