Friday Vocabulary

1. pungle — to hand over, to pay

“If you’re gonna make me pungle up my hard-won cash,” said the gambler, his hand hovering over his pistol, “you’re gonna need more than three buffoons like you to do it.”


2. endopsychic — extant within the mind

But these are mere endopsychic phenomena, and can affect the physical situation only negatively.


3. quinquagenarian — of a person in their sixth decade of life, between the ages of 50 to 60 years old; 50 years of age

On the one hand we are told that the modern quinquagenarian lifestyle is one of whirlwhind activity and joie de vivre; on the other hand, I keep being told I should stock up on Depends®.


4. mushrump — [archaic] mushroom; upstart, arriviste

I see you’ve become a mushrump economist, grown wise overnight with a few hours in the Barnes & Noble business section.


5. glaur — [Scots] muck, mud, mire

It were better to go unshod than to lose your best boots in the glaur.


6. whilere — [archaic] some time ago, formerly

Where are those brave men who whilere strove ‘gainst not only armies but opposed the fearsome attacks of Nature herself?


7. ovipositor — egg-laying tube of some insects or fish

The ovipositor of the wasp was designed for piercing, in order to lay her eggs within a paralyzed host.


8. undine — water nymph or spirit

In the classic tale, a nobleman falls in love with an undine he discovers living with some of his tenants, with tragic consequences.


9. teen — [archaic] grief, trouble

He wore ever a gladsome smile in public to conceal his private teen.


10. silentiary — one who remains silent, esp. as a religious compulsion; historical official of courts who stayed silent

His honor still offended, Patrick remains a silentiary until such time as his quondam friends make him a formal apology, so we are enjoying a respite of blissful peace around the house just now.


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