400 Days

Yet another glorious achievement, as I have now listened to just over 400 solid days of tracks in my iTunes collection.

The song I heard which put me over the 400-day top was “Peace Train” by the quondam Cat Stevens. 400 days of tracks make up 106,902 items totaling 791.47 GB of files. There remain unlistened in my iTunes a week and a year of items: 372 days, 42 minutes, and 58 seconds of tunage comprised of 84,548 items equaling 605.98 GB of data. (I’ve used an image of an old Grateful Dead bootleg tape of mine, because I believe that there’s a 400-day-long version of “Playin’ In The Band” out there somewhere, and because I don’t have a self-scanned image of any of my Mr. Stevens CDs.)

Yes, I have now listened to 400 days, 2 minutes, and 15 seconds of iTunes files. For a little perspective, if you started listening to the same unique files I’ve heard today, without any repeats, you’d finish hearing them all on October 6, 2019.

400 Days from Today: October 6, 2019

I, however, took much longer than that to reach this milestone, and have listened to many songs more than once. The first track in my “Already Played” playlist for which I have a ‘played-on’ timestamp was heard on January 15, 2003. Unfortunately, I have 129 songs with no information as to when they were played, which were probably played earlier but for which that datapoint is no longer available — perhaps because of the terrible hard drive crash I suffered at the onset of my iPod life. (I stifle a tear.)

The average track length of my heard files is 5 minutes and 23 seconds, according to Interwebs calculator. A little long, no doubt due to all those radio shows I’ve been spouting off about.

As you can tell, I am approaching the next 1,000 song milestone, and will be back to report more at that time.

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