1. stertorous — characterized by heavy snoring
Until three of the four sexagenarians started using CPAP machines, their Bohemian Grove cabin was famous for the stertorous rumblings emanating from within.
2. epergne — table centerpiece designed to hold fruit or flowers
Though Roscoe appreciated the thought behind his aunt’s generous gift, in truth he feared that the delicate glass of the Art Nouveau epergne would be damaged if he left it out on display.
3. paresis — partial paralysis affecting motor function but not sensation
The deliberative body seemed to suffer from a legislative paresis, with reports compiled and issued by the sensory apparatus of the various committees, but all attempts at passing actual laws being frozen almost as soon as they were begun.
4. ferule — rod, cane, or flat piece of wood (esp. a ruler) used to punish
The stories of Catholic schoolchildren feeling the strike of a ferule across the back of the hand seem to belong to a long-ago time, but it remains a living memory to those who suffered.
5. deal — made of fir or pine, or from planks of such wood
A small deal table was a standard item of furniture in the Victorian drawing room.
6. presbyopia — farsightedness, particularly that caused by old age
Refusing to wear bifocals or progressive lenses, Jack pointed out that his creeping presbyopia barely affected his ability to drive, and only necessitated longer arms when reading.
7. plangent — loudly sounding, esp. with a plaintive, metallic sound (as a bell); or making the sound of waves upon a shore
The resonant thrum of women’s voices rose to a plangent roar that could no longer be ignored.
8. apologue — allegorical tale with a moral lesson
To many listeners of the would-be preacher, his story of misspent youth redeemed seemed less like a moving apologue and more like a voluntary and spontaneous confession.
9. choucroute — sauerkraut
The thick sausage lay lonely upon the choucroute, its appeal limited by its bedding.
10. vicinal — neighboring, adjacent
The closure of the Interstate forced the midnight traffic onto the vicinal byways for a detour into darkness.