Friday Vocabulary

1. clarigation — solemn demand for redress made through heralds prior to declaration of war

Despite their important mission, the members of the clarigation delegation were not immune to the siren song of the boogie woogie.


2. swadkin — diminutive of “swad” meaning country bumpkin, lout

“Stop pressing that button, you pestiferous swadkin! Cannot you see that the elevator doors close no faster for all your pressing and puffing about?”


3. caterwaul — to yowl like rutting cats

Leslie fell to her knees and began to caterwaul upon being informed of yet another choiced pronoun change by her quondam uncle.


4. jarvey — hackney coachman

The jarvey remained seated upon his bench and touched his whip hand to his top hat rather than doffing his headgear.


5. clapboard — board with one edge thicker than the other, used to weatherboard walls of buildings

The small clapboard building Franklin Delano Roosevelt used as his so-called Little White House would seem too small for many middle class families today.


6. cicatrize — to heal by forming new skin tissue over a wound

The bandages had been removed several weeks ago and the slashing wound had now fully cicatrized, leaving only a pale pink line across his left cheek where no facial hair grew.


7. insecution — (obs.) close pursuit

Hard upon her heels she felt the pressure of the midget’s insecution and not for the first time wished she were not wearing heels.


8. bemused — confused, utterly muddled

I could not tell whether the vaguely bemused look upon his face was the result of my shocking news or the muddled remains of what looked to be at least his third mojito.


9. obstreperous — unruly; characterized by great noise or outcry

The council meeting was gaveled to a close despite the obstreperous crowd who lustily booed the politicians’ plan.


10. quinsy — peritonsillar abscess, suppuration of the tonsils

He would no longer be an opera singer even after his recovery from quinsy, he realized, for the incision and drainage had permanently altered his singing voice.

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