Top Books of 2018

The Best Books (read by me) of 2018

A friend on Facebook posted a request for top books of this passing year, so I made this little list. I gave each of the books below 5 stars in my entirely subjective ranking. There are 29 books in total, twenty-six of which are fiction of one stripe or another. (I’m including the comic book as ‘not-quite-fiction’ for this cataloguing purpose.)

If you only read two from this list, may I recommend the Jane Austen or Michael Crichton? If you wish to read three or more I find my head swimming and become unable to choose between what I think are really some great choices. Happy hunting!

Classic Fiction

Jane Austen Persuasion
Ernest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms
H.G. Wells The Island of Dr. Moreau
Jack London Call of the Wild
Ray Bradbury The Illustrated Man

A Whole Mess of Mysteries

Tony Hillerman The Fly On The Wall Semi-auto-bio-non-navajo paean to old-school journalism
Ross MacDonald The Name Is Archer California, après noir
John P. Marquand Thank You Mr. Moto The author was an actual writer, you know
Peter Lovesey The Reaper Woah. I was not expecting that.
Steven Saylor Catilina’s Riddle One of the best historical mystery writers, bar none
Georges Simenon Maigret and the Wine Merchant Pensive, as usual
Dorothy Simpson The Night She Died Terrific
Josephine Tey To Love and Be Wise I almost guessed it, I guess

Thrilling Action

Gavin Black You Want To Die, Johnny? New perspective on the sound of dominoes
Michael Crichton The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead) Surprisingly literate and literary
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard A hero for all ages. Would that we could see his like again!
Ian Fleming Casino Royale Fleming’s dark fantasy now seems quaint
Jack Higgins The Eagle Has Landed One of the two greatest WWII thrillers
Jim Thompson The Nothing Man Not sure about that ending

A Soupçon of Science Fiction

Isaac Asimov Foundation and Empire The Mule wrecks all plans … or does he?
Arthur C. Clarke Tales From The “White Hart” Shaggy dogs of plausibility
Gordon R. Dickson Dorsai! Fast-paced, almost breathless, action over theory make this a better Ender’s Game
Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth Gladiator-at-Law Those who like PKD may enjoy this duo

Dray Prescot [!!]

He is the true successor to John Carter, and Alan Burt Akers is one of the most inventive wordsmiths who ever wrote in English. His adventures make all other claimants mere pretenders, though he scorns the many titles he earns — save perhaps that of Zorcander … or Krozair of Zy … or …. Well, just read the books, already.

Alan Burt Akers Transit to Scorpio (Dray Prescot #1)
Alan Burt Akers Warrior of Scorpio (Dray Prescot #3)
Alan Burt Akers Swordships of Scorpio (Dray Prescot #4)
Alan Burt Akers Prince of Scorpio (Dray Prescot #5)

Non-Fiction Paucity

Sergio Aragonés Sergio Aragonés Groo the Wanderer vol. 2 #73 (Marvel) Groo is great!
William Strunk Jr. & E.B. White The Elements Of Style (Second Edition) Pithy

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