Friday Vocabulary

1. panentheism — belief that God and the universe interpenetrate and influence each other

In contradistinction to the identity of God with the universe described by pantheism, panentheism affirms a deity which exists within the universe but is not identical with it, yet which is not entirely separate from that universe as is the case with traditional theistic belief.


2. nictitate — to wink or blink

Though most may think that the liar nictitates more frequently than the normal person, the subtler truth is that the liar blinks less often while telling the lie, and then achieves a faster than natural rate while speaking of trivial matters.


3. sloper — basic tailoring pattern without allowance for different seams or styles, usually made for a specific individual

If you have your own slopers for basic garments, you can quickly determine where you’ll need to make allowances by comparing it with a standard pattern.


4. mete — to apportion, to allot

If we had the eye of God could be mete condign punishment to every sinner?


5. appoggiatura — grace-note prepended to essential tone of a melody

She shows off her range with an incessant barrage of runs and trills until one cannot begin to guess which note is appoggiatura and which the melody.


6. anamnesis — remembrance of things past

Nostalgia is always one danger of anamnesis; regret is another.


7. rhinorrhea — runny nose

With a runny nose you get a snot rag, whereas with rhinorrhea you get a mucus abatement device.


8. parous — having given birth

The primary difference seen in the parous women in the study was a marked willingness to more readily take the drugs offered for pain.


9. extravasate — to force out or to flow out from usual vessel or channel

His legs were blotched with blood extravasated into the muscles due to his severe scurvy.


10. vertu (more commonly virtu) — taste for works of art or curios; objets d’art, curios

Mesoamerican vertu lay scattered about his office with an artful nonchalance, as if that Mayan duct flute had just happened to be placed athwart the Aztec censer after the player finished his tune.

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