Friday Vocabulary

1. titivate (also tittivate) — to spruce or smarten up

We stopped shaving once it became clear that no rescue was forthcoming, save for Harker, who maintained an almost manic hygiene, titivating and preening each morning as if expected a bevy of bachelorettes to stumble into our rude camp of lean-tos and hovels.


2. technolatry — worship of technology

Though it easy to agree with Morozov’s description of Silicon Valley as the Vatican of technolatry, a credulous belief in the power of apps and computers should not be mistaken for worship.


3. termitary (var. of termitarium) — termite’s nest, often mound-shaped

Within the deepest bowels of the termitary the gorged queen lies immobile, eating and birthing to the exclusion of any other activity.


4. teasmade — automatic tea maker, usually with clock so that tea is ready upon awakening, once common in the UK

Awakened by the radio built into the teasmade, Harriet happily pulled herself into a sitting position at the head of the bed and poured out a cup of hot tea, reveling in this pinnacle of civilized life.


5. thence — from that place; from that time; from that cause or source

My brother remains quite comfortable in his club, and sees no reason to sally thence to essay unremarkable perambulations around the so-called social scene with the so-called smart set.


6. tefillin — phylacteries, small black leather boxes worn on the head and arm by Orthodox Jewish men during morning prayer

My grandfather wrapped himself in a prayer shawl and put on the tallis and tefillin every morning without fail, a great mitzvah, he told me.


7. tantalus — small stand or rack containing decanters with a locking bar atop to prevent unauthorized tippling

Lord Hedgeworth took the brandy from the tantalus and poured us both a very large drink.


8. tarn — small mountain lake

Only the tiny tarns were left in these thickly wooded crags to testify to the retreat of the glaciers.


9. tucker — linen, lace, or similar piece worn around top of bodice

The Harvey Girls were renowned for their uniform neat appearance in their best bib and tucker.


10. thrasonical — bragging, boastful

While we believed his story that everybody had been Kung Fu fighting, we thought his claim to have bested the others through his mastery of Dung Beetle style to be merely a thrasonical addition to his tale.


Bonus Vocabulary

(current slang)

caping — defending or supporting an undeserving person

I thought that that scene in church would finally make her wake up, but Ellie is still caping hard for Robbie, no matter what that boy does or says.

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