Friday Vocabulary

1. tagger (HT to Steve Skaar) — one who tags; device for tagging (sheep, merchandise, etc.); graffitist

Most variants of the game have a ‘no tag-backs’ rule of some sort, so that the tagger can not immediately become the taggee.


2. dorter — dormitory, esp. in a monastery

I had been so nervous the previous night, creeping as quietly as possible past the dorter, only to realize this morning that at least half of the monks had been up and about at the same time.


3. maidan — open space near or in a town; parade ground

Rogers was found with the other horsemen playing polo on the maidan, cutting a fine figure on his chestnut stallion.


4. astonied — (archaic) stunned; dazed

The Green Knight was astonied to behold the two of them riding peaceably together upon Sir Spender’s gray charger, she riding sidesaddle behind the tall warrior.


5. enkindle — to make to blaze up; to set on fire

There was no single moment that enkindled her ardor, rather a succession of moments, a series of sweet kindnesses and fiery actions that built her passion into an unquenchable flame.


6. distaff — stave used to hold unspun fiber during spinning; women; female side of a family; female heir

The pretensions of the Soviet would have you believe that all were equal in the party, but I noted that the distaff side of the delegation were relegated to menial and clerical work while the men performed the hard labor of negotiation and attendance at working dinners.


7. eulogium — speech or writing praising some person or thing

Once more we were forced to endure a eulogium on the intelligence and correctness of our supervisor, which, as always, would have carried more weight had it been delivered by someone other than the supervisor himself.


8. nestle-cock — last or weakest hatchling in a brood; spoilt child

Dorian barely survived the whooping cough and had been doted upon by his mother since, becoming such a nestle-cock in consequence that he proved unable to endure any difficulty whatsoever.


9. sough — to sigh, to murmur, to make a rushing or murmuring sound

The wind soughed through the willows while I lay beneath its branches with my eyes closed listening to each shifting breeze playing through the leaves.


10. optative — of verb mood expressing wish or desire

I boldly asserted I would become a world-famous stenographer, showing my youthful grasp of optative expression, but little realizing that my lack of subjunctive mastery was already all too obvious.


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