Friday Vocabulary

1. sudarium — cloth for wiping the face, handkerchief; (specifically) the cloth used by Saint Veronica to wipe the face of Jesus

The true gentleman, of course, sweeps the sweat from his brow using a sudarium and not the sleeve of his tunic.


2. Patagonian — of or relating to Patagonia, the southernmost lands of South America in S. Chile and S. Argentina

Here among the Fuegian natives of this dry, barren Patagonian plateau I had every reason to doubt that anyone at all would ever receive my feeble radio calls for assistance.


3. russet — homespun cloth of reddish-brown

He pulled his overlarge russet cloak more tightly about him as he sat silently in the darkness.


4. tassel — to bloom (said of corn or sugar cane)

The green fields showed brilliant gold spots here and there where the corn had just begun to tassel.


5. nobiliary — of or relating to the nobility

Those wishing to restore the ‘good old days’ of titles and hereditary aristocracies usually imagine themselves as the person enjoying nobiliary privileges rather than as the much greater number of oppressed people propping up that rule by the lucky few.


6. flummery — mere trifling, empty compliment; dish made from oatmeal or flour boiled with water until thick

“After such an adventure don’t test me with such flummery as that, but let us enjoy the hearty fellowship of true brothers.”


7. incurrent — moving into the interior, relating to an inward current

From this and myriad other sources the secrets were transmitted by devious incurrent paths back to the Major’s office at KGB headquarters.


8. recalitrate — to ‘kick out’ against something, to resist, to show strong repugnance

Flailing in the saddle he would recalcitrate against his mount, the very idea of riding, and even the entire equine race.


9. roadstead — (nautical) somewhat sheltered area near shore where ships may anchor safe from weather

The ships furthest landward were now attempting to get under way and flee the fire ships which had already decimated over half the vessels in the roadstead.


10. kittle — ticklish, difficult to deal with

“True, it’s not easy doing business with such kittle folk who think that a deal is always an opportunity to spread their own peculiar gospel.”


Bonus Vocabulary

(Canadian slang)

screech — homemade strong drink of Newfoundland similar to moonshine, often flavored with rum

No, thank you, but the last time I drank screech I came to in the backseat of a patrol car, freezing my ass off.

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