Friday Vocabulary

1. velleity — the merest wish, without any attempt to gain it

For some, reading self-help books becomes an end in itself, substituting a velleity for a program.


2. hamartia — tragic flaw

Bill Clinton’s sexual misadventures seem matched by the hubris of many politicians today, but they pale beside Nixon’s hamartia — a fundamental mistrust of other people.


3. construe — to infer; to deduce the meaning of

He construed her rolling eyes to mean that once again he had had one too many.


4. contemporaneous — happening or living at the same time

Sitting Bull was contemporaneous with Richard Wagner, though one would hardly call them contemporaries.


5. recension — revision, usually critical, of a literary work

The 1984 Gabler recension of James Joyce’s Ulysses was highly controversial, but it is unlikely that any edition of the masterwork will ever be considered authoritative.


6. reputed — supposed, alleged, widely believed

Iraq was reputed to have weapons of mass destruction.


7. Phoebus — the sun; Apollo the sun god

Bedecked in his self-designed Reichsmarschall uniform glorified with gold badges and ribbons, Göring stood like a fat Phoebus in white before the assembled Reichstag.


8. paean — song of praise, joy, or tribute

Some sentences of prose are pedestrian, but some transcend their own words to become paeans to language.


9. synovitis — inflammation of the membrane around a joint

Though the original diagnosis was synovitis, Rimbaud’s post mortem diagnosis was cancer.


10. genesis — beginning, origin

I touched her tattoo; that was the genesis of everything that followed.

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