Friday Vocabulary

1. indite — to compose, to create a literary composition; (obsolete) to dictate

A review of the cuneiform records reveals that the governor of the far-flung province continued to indite missives imploring the High King to send aid long after the military disaster.


2. epistemology — science of the origin and method of knowledge

Epicurus dethroned Reason as the arbiter of truth, giving that role to Nature in his epistemology.


3. arrogate — to claim without right, to take without justification

We should not arrogate a complete understanding of the universe, but should recognize that our vision and comprehension may be only partial and perhaps misguided at times.


4. view-halloo — hunter’s cry upon spying the fox break cover

“There it is!” he shouted as a prosaic view-halloo when he saw his suitcase land on the baggage carousel.


5. cremocarp — type of fruit development in which two one-seeded mericarps hang from a central axis

Carrot ‘seeds’ are found in a cremocarp covered by coarse hairy growth which will bind them together.


6. bashaw — pasha; imperious man

“The Bashaw of Tripoli shall deliver up to the American squadron now off Tripoli, all the Americans in his possession.” (from the peace treaty ending the First Barbary War, 1805)


7. pavane — solemn and stately dance

On the warehouse floor the robots and the humans who served them once more entered into their colorless pavane of commerce.


8. hoodwink — to blindfold, to cover eyes with a hood; to deceive, to trick

Josiah realized his own prejudices had hoodwinked him, and now the real culprits were far away while he had arrested this innocent in his unreasoning fury.


9. tergiversation — apostasy, abandonment of a cause; turning dishonorably from straightforward action or principles, equivocation

My opponent’s change of heart regarding ice cream parlor licenses is an example of his flip-flop politics, if not outright tergiversation from his supposed ideals.


10. artful — wily, deceitful

We may support Odysseus, but then we have never been the victim of his artful schemes.


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