Friday Vocabulary

1. budge — lambskin fur

Master Pieter sat at his counting table in a warm green houppelande trimmed sensibly with black budge, holding the letter tightly in his left hand, its seal intact.


2. pottle — former liquid measure equal to a half-gallon; vessel of this capacity

We split a pottle of sack while he told me of his scheme.


3. bradykinin — peptide hormone that mediates inflammation

Scientists are now researching whether fluid build-up in the lungs of COVID-19 patients may result from problems of bradykinin regulation.


4. wanhope — despair, hopelessness

I was beset by waves of wanhope and felt I could not even lift my helpless head to look towards God in His heaven.


5. toll — to lure, to attract, to decoy

And so the two pretended enemies worked together to toll into their snare any ignorant farmer who thought to make a few pennies gambling at the fair.


6. esker — gravel ridges formed by glaciers

Ireland was divided nearly in twain by the broad esker running from Dublin to Galway.


7. perseverate — to repeat endlessly or insistently

And if I tried just to ignore him, he would perseverate my name ad infinitum—”John! John! John! John!”—until I would finally give up and ask him, “What?!?”, at which point he would once more resume his discussion of the second Lego movie.


8. bride — thread or threads connecting parts of lacework

A cocklebur had become entangled with the brides of her lace collar.


9. pelf — property; booty, spoils

Neither love nor pelf will make me turn aside from the course of honor.


10. foozle — to bungle, esp. in golf

He walked over to the counter and foozled his approach to the attractive blonde, slipping on the freshly waxed tile and falling backwards onto his poor sacroiliac.


Bonus Vocabulary


pari possu — side by side; equally

The loosening of restrictions needs to progress pari passu with the build-up of medical tracking and infrastructure.

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