700 Books (not really)

As I have said many times before, when counting the number of books I have read since I started tracking in a foolish though somewhat satisfying project I’ve maintained since 2015, I do not include in my ‘official’ count items classified (by me) as comics or graphic novels. This includes, by the way, books about comic books, such as Jules Feiffer’s The Great Comic Book Heroes, a tradeback which though it does contain many examples of comic book pages, also quite an interesting introduction and much history courtesy of the famous artist Mr. Feiffer. In any event, I do not wish to entirely ignore those books in my ‘count’, so I have a separate tracking number for every book that passes beneath my gaze. (The Great Comic Book Heroes is, for example, book #177 in that fuller, more expansive count.) And by that reckoning—but only by that reckoning—I have just now read book #700, a rather lengthy and at time frankly boring book of Civil War letters of a south Georgian family entitled The Children Of Pride. I hope to write more about this overlong book (and this was the ‘Abridged Version’!), so won’t get into it here, but will now bid you adieu, until the next time.

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