Friday Vocabulary

1. stramineous — straw-like

It is hardly worth responding to the stramineous arguments of my opponents, who apparently have never read the story of the the Three Little Pigs.


2. maudlin — foolishly tearful or sentimental

Among the travellers of the Mormon Trail were several women poets, who composed fierce though maudlin elegies to the children who died upon the journey.


3. chaffinch — common finch

The poor little chaffinch is harried from the fruit tree by the malevolent crows.


4. nefarious — extremely wicked

Cicero would rail against Catiline’s nefarious plot to the end of his days, knowing as do all good politicians just how to drum up votes and support.


5. agon — a conflict, especially between a protagonist and an antagonist in a work of literature

Small comfort for the slacker prince that he maintained his independence during his agon with capitalist society, stuck as he was in his job at the used record store.


6. cantrip — magic spell, trick of a witch

Deceived by the saleswoman’s cantrips and enchanted by her beautiful smile, Leon finally signed the contract, little realizing how quickly his life would change.


7. refulgent — brightly shining

Her metallic silver high-top sneakers were refulgent beneath the stage lights.


8. tropology — the use of tropes or figures of speech

The film Team America is a devastating critique of the tropology of current “blockbuster” movies.


9. forte — a specialty or exceptional ability of a person

His forte is stopping conversation dead with his inappropriate jokes.


10. purport — to claim or profess

Advertising purports to inform us of new products which may be of interest, but of course is driven by pecuiary interests of the manufacturers.

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