Friday Vocabulary

1. ceteris paribus — with all other things remaining the same

A fifty percent decrease in income for those earning over five million dollars per annum, ceteris paribus, would have little to no effect on the world as a whole.


2. notaphily — the study or collecting of paper money

The introduction of the Euro was a sad moment for notaphily, as the ecosystem of currency was sharply reduced.


3. meddlesome — interfering or intrusive

And perhaps we would have gotten away with it, in the end, were it not for those meddlesome kids and their fire-breathing robot from the future.


4. insidious — secretly sinister

The proliferation of bad television shows is part of an insidious attempt to make us pay more attention to commercials.


5. paronomasia — the use of a word in different senses for specific effect; a pun

As the blade fell and he closed his eyes for the last time, he wondered again if the name “Beaver Cleaver” was a conscious paronomasia on the part of the writers.


6. pilcrow — paragraph mark

Reading the article in Rolling Stone magazine was difficult, as instead of new lines and tabs the paragraphs were separated by pilcrows.


7. dower — natural gift

The unaffected smile is the real dower of young children.


8. respite — a period of relief

The need for Ultraman to fly to the sun to re-energize gave the monster a brief respite from the robot hero’s attacks.


9. trituration — the reduction of a substance to a fine powder

The hopeful presidential candidates were all too eager to undergo the trituration of the media.


10. vermifuge — a medicine which expels worms or other parasites from the intestines

Term Limit laws are a worthless placebo, not the strong vermifuge needed to rid Congress of the infestation.

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