Friday Vocabulary

1. confusticate — [slang] to perplex, to bother, to confuse

With fourteen voices clamoring at him all at once demanding this and that and the other, Kip was so confusticated that he put the towels in the microwave and the sausages in the sink.


2. umbel — [botany] inflorescence of short flower stalks radiating from a common center

Poison hemlock produces quite lovely umbels of white flowers.


3. barouche — four-wheeled horse carriage with facing seats for two couples, having a collapsible top over the rear seat and a separate bench seat for the driver

In the back of the barouche with the top down I beheld two of the most gorgeous women in matching green satin dresses and hats.


4. gall — to chafe, to make sore by rubbing; to vex, to harass

Young Russell wore new boots more appropriate for a riding party than for climbing, and by the end of the first day the skin over his Achilles’ tendon was badly galled.


5. primeval — of or related to the first age of the world; ancient; primitive

And there they lived in this primeval glade, unsullied by the modern contrivances of modesty and sin.


6. Hatti-sherif — Turkish government decree bearing Sultanic mark making it irrevocable

Serbian independence was first granted official recognition in the Hatti-sherif of 1829, a concession by Turkey in consequence of the Treaty of Adrianople.


7. contradistinction — distinguishing by contrast or opposition

In contradistinction to most dancing at raves, which really can be done without any other person present, slam dancing is a joint activity, requiring, if not an actual partner, at least another dancer (one hopes!) to slam against.


8. maar — crater-shaped landform caused by volcanic explosion

Though it is easy to confuse a maar with an impact crater, the former are usually fairly small features, no wider than half a mile in most instances.


9. marish — marsh

The owner of the marish refused all culpability for the lost animals, claiming that if the shepherds could not keep their charges from his treacherous land it was not his fault.


10. prosopagnosia — inability to recognize faces, esp. of familiar people

Some view Capgras syndrome as similar to prosopagnosia, though of course actual physical trauma—lesion to the minor occipital lobe—is present in many if not most cases of the latter.


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