Friday Vocabulary

1. Comstockery — “censorship because of perceived obscenity or immorality” (George Bernard Shaw)

Though named after an anti-smut crusader of the 1870s, Comstockery has a long reach through American culture, as the example of Tipper Gore can attest.


2. poetaster — writer of inferior, insignificant verse

The popular anthologies circulating in the United States in the late 19th Century are filled with the tawdry outpourings of maudlin poetasters.


3. titrate — to determine quantity of a substance in a solution by adding reagent of known quantity until measurable reaction completes

No matter how much his friends attempted to titrate Bob’s soul by teasing him viciously, his patience seemed immeasurable.


4. pruriginous — causing or pertaining to prurigo; hence, by extension, causing itchiness

The scholar’s pruriginous didacticism made him persona non grata at the faculty parties.


5. katagelasticism — joy at laughing at others without compunction

No, your humor goes far beyond mere schadenfreude; it verges on a psychopathic and vicious katagelasticism.


6. hortatory — tending to encourage; exhorting

His hortatory remarks out of the way, the speaker admitted that any contributions were not tax-deductable.


7. ithyphallic — of the phallus carried in ancient Bacchus festivals; hence, of or pertaining to an erect penis

Though an ithyphallic display was once a striking homage to fertility and life, now it is more likely to be a sign that you should consult a physician immediately.


8. synechia — eye disease wherein the iris adheres to either the cornea or the lens

His refusal to treat the synechia he suffered as a result of the beating led to glaucoma.


9. zetetic — proceding by investigation (often used in contradistinction to pejorative view of the term “skeptic”)

The debunking battles of the late 20th Century led to a reactionary debunking of the debunkers, as in the case of the zetetic view that UFOs deserved more open-minded investigation than they were receiving.


10. quean — a disreputable woman, especially a prostitute (Archaic)

The many references to queans in Stuart literature may confuse the modern reader, who may presume another sex is meant.

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