Friday Vocabulary

1. langlauf — to ski cross-country

He thought of langlaufing to the forester’s hut, but decided it was impracticable with these wide skis he’d been forced to use.


2. antetype — prototype, early form

Thus these radio clubs were the antetype of the grand scheme of fan clubs which became so important to the Argentinian film industry of the 40s and 50s.


3. sit-upon — [informal] the buttocks

“Well, I’ve got a slash across my sit-upon that’ll have me favouring a standing desk for a week or two, but other than that I’m all right.”


4. erst — [archaic] once, formerly

See you there that wretch that erst commanded men, troops, yay, even whole armies, now laid so low as to come begging at my door?


5. nootropic — cognition-enhancing drug

Although much hullaballoo is made about nootropics or so-called “smart drugs”, such noise has been bruited since at least the era of Mondo 2000, when people were advised to take acetylcholine to enhance their brain function.


6. irid — iris of the eye

His steely irids completed his aloof visage, and I found I could not endure their cold focus and must look away.


7. bootjack — forked device designed to assist in removal of riding boots

Ebenezer was furious when he learned that Glory Ann had broken apart the bootjack for firewood, partly because it was a useful item, but mostly (as I think) because he had received it from his grandfather before everything fell apart.


8. bedad — euphemism for ‘By God’

“Tell them to leave, and quickly, but that if they return, bedad, they’ll learn how far they’ve worn out their welcome to this house!”


9. rushlight — rush-candle, weak candle made from dipping dried pith of a rush into grease; the light emitted from a rush-candle

We awoke several hours before dawn, dressed ourselves by rushlight and began our numerous chores.


10. photophobia — pain or discomfort in eyes due to exposure to light

The medication worked well to alleviate her symptoms, but we had to discontinue its use due to her constant reports of photophobia.


Bonus Vocabulary


sanpaku — condition in which whites of the eyes are visible below or above the pupil

Charles Manson, Lady Diana, and JFK were all noted for their sanpaku eyes, which according to Chinese medicine indicates an imbalance in the psychic and physical system.


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