Pot Plants, Stunt Growth

From the big Book of Duh:

BBC reports on a scientific study presented at the Society for Experimental Biology during their meeting in Salzburg, Austria that a researcher with the unlikely name of Hendrik Poorter has used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to discover the following startling truth:

Plants in bigger pots grow bigger than plants in smaller pots


Did this really need the use of million-dollar pieces of equipment to prove this? Couldn’t they have just asked anyone in the Garden section of Home Depot? Or any gardener at all? I understand that Science insists upon experimental verification rather than listening to old-wives’ tales, but… Really? This is what biologists do today?

The surprising fact is that the BBC ran this as a straight news story. After all, the British are known as avid gardeners.

Okay, the researcher actually put his conclusion in a more scientific form:

“For every species we looked at, pot size was the factor limiting its growth.”

I can hardly wait for the next big breakthrough. Perhaps we’ll learn that plants which aren’t watered are more likely to die. Or that when it rains, things get wet.

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