Friday Vocabulary

1. bailiwick — area of expertise or skill “I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you with your cuticular problem,” said the podiatrist. “Not my bailiwick, I’m afraid.”   2. cadge — to obtain through imposition upon one’s generosity or friendship He tried to cadge another drink from his hostess in spite of his …

Little Science, Less Life

The Science of Life, by Alfred Adler (1929: Garden City, NY) I approached The Science of Life with admittedly high expectations. I have read with pleasure the writings of the other two-thirds of the psychoanalytic triumvirate of Freud, Jung, and Adler, and this was my first exposure to the works of Adler. Thus I was …

Friday Vocabulary

1. interest — a cause or business in which a person has a share The conflicting interests between the king and the nobles initiated the events which culminated in the French Revolution.   2. purview — area of expertise Standard & Poor’s insistence that the United States must immediately reduce its debt seems beyond its …

Friday Vocabulary

Note: Today’s vocabulary comes from my high school days, an actual English assignment I turned in one week, lo, oh-so-many years ago. My apologies 1. intrepid — dauntless The intrepid explorer carefully circuited around the yellow patch of snow as he neared the pole’s barber shop on his maggot-driven sled.   2. labyrinth — maze …

Friday Vocabulary

1. stramineous — straw-like It is hardly worth responding to the stramineous arguments of my opponents, who apparently have never read the story of the the Three Little Pigs.   2. maudlin — foolishly tearful or sentimental Among the travellers of the Mormon Trail were several women poets, who composed fierce though maudlin elegies to …

Friday Vocabulary

1. nascent — beginning to exist or develop Though some pundits have pointed to a nascent sense of interdependence among the world’s people, more likely we’ll just see more of the same.   2. nescience — the state of not knowing Conspiracy theories may derive as well from a human tendency to insist upon “yes/no” …

Friday Vocabulary

1. myrmidon — blindly loyal follower and carryer-out of a leader’s orders If Hunstman refuses to sign the No Tax Increase pledge, the Tea Party myrmidons may exact their revenge by ensuring that he cannot gain the Republican nomination.   2. metempsychosis — transmigration of the soul The disavowal of spirit or soul (call it …