1200 Books

Hardly 20 minutes have passed since I finished my 1200th book in my silly book-tracking project, which I began in earnest ‘way back in 2015. As per usual, I do not count comics and graphic novels (nor books about comics, for that matter) towards this total figure, though I am tracking the aggregate numbers as …

Book List: 1000 Books

As I’m trying not to procrastinate quite as much as I did last time I finished a tranche of one hundred books, let’s get right down to the listing of all those last books read, from #901 through my thousandth (!) book read since beginning this silly little book tracking project back in the two-thousand-teens. …

Monday Book Report: The Information Inferno

I Read It So You Don’t Have To Dept. The Information Inferno, by Whodini™ If it is hard for ‘kids today’ to appreciate what life was like before the advent of cell phones, it is almost as difficult even for those of us who lived through that strange sea change we now just call ‘the …

300 Books: The List (Part II)

And now comes the second half of the list of the most recently read hundred books, books numbers 251 to 300. You may peruse the first half of the list here. This latter half-century has slightly more variety than the first had, though the mystery genre still has the lion’s share. Book read #251 is …

Analysis: The 3rd Hundred Books

or, More Findings of No Ultimate Interest As I said last week, I have now read 300 books of my collection since I started tracking my reading back in June 2015. Now follows a shallow analysis of the books in this last hundred books, eschewing (mostly) reference to books in the “Comics & Graphic Novel” …

300 Books (Not Really)

Just finished the 300th book that I’ve read since I started tracking just which books I read and complete — though this number has the caveat that it includes comics and graphic novels, which I am not counting in my most strenuous accounting, as discussed in earlier posts here and here. The particular book read …