Time Parity Achieved!

I have finally regained ground in my iTunes collection and have listened to half my tracks in terms of time.

Whilst adding the large selection of old radio shows which I enjoy (for the most part) listening to now, I no longer could claim to have listened to at least half of my iTunes collection — at least when the collection was viewed by total time of the tracks. (The other views, total number of tracks and total size of the underlying data, show well over half of the collection listened to.) This morning I finally achieved parity in terms of time, with the time of listened-to tracks equalling 385 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes, and 25 seconds versus unheard tracks comprising 385 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes, and 12 seconds.

I have heard 385 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes, and 25 seconds of unique tracks out of a total of 771 days, 10 hours, etc.

The track which created this parity was the 1936 Lux Radio Theatre performance of the Noel Coward play Cavalcade, starring Herbert Marshall and Madeleine Carroll.

The other total stats at this point are 105,520 heard items (versus 85,572 items unheard) and 779.26 GB of data used for those tracks (versus 615.85 GB for those not listened to yet).

The usual caveat applies, viz., these data speak only of unique tracks heard, and no cognizance is taken of repeated plays in any totals enumerated.

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