Random Music Mix: Driving Home From Work

Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Psalm 2:9 [KJV]
  1. Aria: “If God Be For Us Who Can Be Against Us?” – Handel’s Messiah
  2. “Basketball Jones” – Cheech & Chong
  3. “Road to Joy” – Bright Eyes
  4. “Theme From Club Foot” – Club Foot Orchestra
  5. “King’s Highway” – Joe Henry
  6. “Sad Eyed Woman” – Tricky Woo
  7. Recitative: “He That Dwelleth In Heaven” – Aria: “Thou Shalt Break Them” – Handel’s Messiah
  8. “Noël est arrivée” – Dominique Carton & Jean-Paul Carton
  9. “Here Come De Honey Man” – Miles Davis
  10. “The Twist” – Hank Ballard & The Midnighters

Heard this day whilst driving home from work, iTunes on random play (no radio shows).

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