111,000 Songs

Mere days after completing my analysis of the first eleven hundred thousand songs listened to, I’ve just listened to my 111,000th unique iTunes track, the sarcastic and patriotic little ditty, “Mussolini’s Letter To Hitler”, by Carson Robinson.

111,000 unique tracks makes up 715.07 GB of data, with a total duration of 454 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes, and 23 seconds (ignoring multiple plays). Left unplayed in my iTunes collection at the moment of impactful milestone crossing were 80,865 songs, which is 966 less than last report (meaning that a net 34 songs were added since last report). The unplayed tracks comprise 557.67 GB of data (↓ 9.5 GB) with a playing time of 314 days, 13 hours, 54 minutes, and 9 seconds (↓ 12 days).

To reach the 111,000th unique track, I listened to 1,222 songs (from track #110,000), which total 10.95 GB of data, and laid end-to-end comprise 12 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes, and 26 seconds of audio.

It took 58 days to listen to the last thousand songs, meaning 17.2 new songs per day were heard.

17.24 New Tracks Heard per Day

If we include the previously heard songs, we find that I heard 21 tracks per day.

21.1 Tracks Heard per Day


With this report we recommence data tracking from our newly established baseline, as outlined here and here.

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