Friday Vocabulary

1. hebdomadal — weekly

He finally had a regular schedule and they began going out for dinner every Tuesday night, each of them looking forward to their hebdomadal outing.


2. piebald — having two-color patches, usu. black and white

His chin had a piebald appearance due to his use of hair dye inappropriate for his coarse beard.


3. pergola — open latticework supported by columns upon which climbing plants may be trained, often placed so as to create a walkway

The modern lines of the small house were entirely ruined by the cheap pergola of poor knotty pine that had been slapped together as an afterthought just before the party.


4. calenture — tropical fever with delirium that often affected sailors

Jonathan Swift likens those who lost in the South Sea Bubble to sailors misled by a calenture (though the latter term has been supplanted in modern parlance by heat illness, yet another example of how infinitely superior in reason we are nowadays).


5. souse — to immerse or plunge something in water, etc.; to drench; to pickle in brine, etc.

“What’s that, Lassie, you soused Timmy into a well?”


6. ectogenesis — production or development outside the body

Athena’s birth does not technically qualify as ectogenesis, since springing forth from Zeus’ forehead still uses the god’s body from which the goddess of wisdom enters the world.


7. ell — measure of length equal to 45 inches in England (the Scotch = 37.2 in., the Flemish = 27 in.)

Instead of splintering, the knight’s lance was impaled a full ell through the shield of Sir Blois, carrying it out of his hands.


8. purvey — to provide or to supply (now usu. food); to make provision for something

What shall it boot thee if you fail to purvey for the fate of your eternal soul?


9. bosk — thicket of bushes

The rodent dragged the knapsack into a thorny bosk that thwarted our attempts at entry.


10. port — (Archaic) carriage, bearing

Her frank and healthy port was accompanied by a gentle smile which made me love her from the moment I first saw her.

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