Friday Vocabulary

1. metonymy — rhetorical figure in which a thing or concept is used to refer to a thing with which it is associated or related

Technically speaking, “BMWs are assholes” is metonymy rather than synecdoche, since the drivers are the assholes, and the cars are separate from the drivers.


2. fust — to grow moldy or stale-smelling

Shall our hard-won rights fust due to disuse in these dark times?


3. nociceptor — pain receptor

Though detection of potentially harmful stimuli by nociceptors creates a signal to the brain, the brain does not necessarily generate a pain response, much as a soccer referee reviews a potential penalty on video before the kick is given.


4. hackamore — halter with a bitless bridle, often used for breaking horses

I hiked alone back to that box canyon, carrying only a lariat and hackamore, confident that this time I’d get that chestnut mare.


5. revanchist — of or follower of political stance to overturn territorial losses of a state

The strange blend of Cold Warriors and revanchist Cuban exiles in New Orleans engendered the murky world from which Lee Harvey Oswald was to emerge so fatally years later.


6. qoph — nineteenth letter of Hebrew alphabet*, also spelled ‘qof’

The word ‘qoph’ only comes up in the context of Scrabbleâ„¢, where it is a valid word, though the more common spelling ‘qof’ is not.

* Now called an “abjad” by nerdy purists.


7. stube — establishment serving drinks, primarily beer, and light food

After skiing it became our habit to stop at the local stube for a lager and the cheese plate, which is where we grew accustomed to find Herr Heinrichs wearing his faded navy turtleneck, propping up his full leg cast on a low stool.


8. knap — to chip; to break off

He had the useless ability, shared by other anthropology majors, to knap Folsom Points if you would provide him with flint, which I suppose might be useful after the next world war.


9. photosensitivity — condition wherein the skin reacts to sunlight exposure, usu. producing a rash

Certain drugs such as tetracyclines can cause photosensitivity in users who are cautioned to avoid direct sunlight where possible and to cover all skin when outside.


10. coxcomb — conceited fool

Certainly, you may object, I should not be bothered and troubled by the inane prattling of such a coxcomb, but I defy you to suffer a fool even half as foppish and stupid.

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