Friday Vocabulary

1. schism — (ecclesiastical) breach in Church unity, division of church into mutually hostile groups; division of previous unity into opposing parties

Excuse me, Miz’m, but isn’t it a mere solecism to view communism only through the prism of colonialism, ignoring, for example, the late 20th Century schism between Marxism and socialism?


2. leveret — young hare; pet, mistress

The puppy flushed a timorous leveret from the overgrowth by the neighbor’s back gate last month, and now insists on searching every square inch of the foliage whenever we walk past.


3. meretricious — of or pertaining to or characteristic of a harlot; tawdry, alluring by false or vulgar show; deceptive

Every metal surface was gilded, the floor covered in deep pile snow white carpet, the upholstery brocaded in white and gold, and it seemed like some meretricious antechamber to the boudoir of a tacky hooker servicing rich but classless dolts who imagined that this was ‘classy’ interior design.


4. objurgate — to chide or scold or rebuke

Prentiss was deep in his cups by the time we got to the bar, and refused to leave off venting his pique, instead objurgating “every damn critic” who had dared to criticize his show and consequently (in his telling) had gotten him fired.


5. exponible — requiring explanation or restatement (particularly of a proposition)

Jamie knew only obscure facts, making him a frustrating and exponible companion, as every remark he made had to be followed by a detailed elucidation of the obscure allusion that had seemed so obvious and pertinent to him.


6. epistaxis — nosebleed

He was prone to epistaxis, which he claimed was due to distant relation to European royalty, but which we all knew was caused by his serious drug habit.


7. dally — to loiter; to delay by trifling; to talk idly; to toy with, esp. in amorous pursuit

Do you dally here to keep from your appointed rendezvous with destiny, on the Senate floor, or are you just happy to see me?


8. peri — supernaturally beautiful fallen angels of Persian mythology; a lovely person

Cast out of her heavenly home this wandering peri found a welcome on my couch in Venice Beach, doomed for a while to remain in the sordid material world of the slacker class, to my great gratitude.


9. paling — picket fence

My discomfiture was complete when I looked up and saw Jocelyn’s face peering over the paling that surrounded the yard, her twinkling eyes telling me instantly that she had witnessed the whole embarrassing scene.


10. litotes — (rhetoric) figure in which positive is expressed by negating the contrary; understatement

Though he could speak platitudinal remarks if need be when in the company of strangers, amongst his friends and family my grandfather’s highest praise was expressed in the softest litotes, and Grandmama knew that when the food was “not inedible” that Grandpapa was sure to have seconds, or even thirds (if she let him).

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