Friday Vocabulary

1. teratogenic — disrupting development of fetus or embryo, thus causing birth defects

Pregnant women should avoid high intake of vitamin A, as teratogenic effects have been noted.


2. periapt — amulet, charm

“Do you deny, then, that you used this very periapt to conjure forth your sworn servant, this supposed cat, in fact a demonic minion of the Evil One?”


3. quintal — hundredweight

While in the summer pasture our dairy cows each produce almost two quintals of cheese, most of which we take to market.


4. throstle — a thrush

I heard his song before I spied the nut-brown throstle perched on a high bough of the apple tree.


5. bubo — inflamed swelling of lymphatic gland, esp. in groin or armpit

Though the inguinal bubo in his groin had receded, the venereal disease had not finished its malefic attack upon his health.


6. emulous — desirous of rivaling or imitating

With his latest work the Dutch sculptor, emulous of the renown his former mentor still enjoyed at court, hoped to capture the attention of the king.


7. fancy-work (also fancywork or fancy work) — ornamental piece of needlework

She sat by the window, her fancy-work forgotten as she heard at last the distant hoofbeats and rumbling of his approaching carriage.


8. aquamanile — medieval pitcher, often shaped like an animal

The baron washed his hands under the water poured from the brass aquamanile held over the basin by the new page, the youngest son of Sir Ewen.


9. curvet — leap of rearing horse in dressage in which the hind legs are kicked out as the front legs descend; to leap in this manner

The frisking horses were bounding and curvetting in the meadow at the foot of the sedge hills, gloriously happy in the sun and their exuberant youth.


10. melena — dark tarry stool

Not only is melena a symptom of serious internal hemorrhaging, it is also the focus of a question or two on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

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