Friday Vocabulary

1. egregious — remarkable in a bad way, flagrant

To continue supporting my nephew after his blatant malfeasance would be an egregious error on my part.


2. threnody — song or poem of lamentation, dirge, song for the dead

The susurration of the wind through the glade seemed a threnody as I watched the sun set on the last day of our vacation.


3. disjoint — to dislocate, dismember; to derange

The continued societal and economic stresses threaten to disjoint the very political structures themselves, leaving the government impotent to respond to the ever worsening crises.


4. sectarian — bigoted supporter of a sect

Though I am a lifelong Whig I am no sectarian and will carefully consider your proposals before rejecting them.


5. step-in — (also step-ins) women’s panties of light material with wide legs, fashionable in 1920s and 1930s

He unbuttoned her gown and she stood there proudly, clad only in her black lace step-ins.


6. lambic — Belgian beer from Pajottenland or Brussels

“It’s his favorite, though you’ll probably find the unblended lambic a bit sour for your taste.”


7. friable — easily broken into powder or crumbled, crumbly

If the dry sift hash is not properly stored, however, it may become quite friable and difficult to press into a slab.


8. hydropathic — of or related to medical treatment by application of water both externally and internally

Though the heyday of hydropathic therapy has long passed, many today still enjoy the benefits of a relaxing hour in the hot tub.


9. hurdle — sledge or frame upon which traitors or other criminals were dragged to their place of execution

If he ever leaves this prison it will only be upon a hurdle, in spite of his many pleaders at court.


10. tussock — tuft, clump, or bunch of grass or sedge

It is an ugly, marshy land, watered by a scummy stream imperceptibly moving around the sad tussocks of bog-grass.


Bonus Vocabulary

(current slang)

fixie — fixed-gear bicycle

They were happy, tooling around Brooklyn on their fixies, living the hipster dream.

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