Friday Vocabulary

1. equiparable — equal in comparison, equivalent

Well, it’s really a framing problem, because if you start comparing Animal Crossing to Citizen Kane you’re as foolish as if you asserted that Trump were equaparable to Lincoln.


2. wend — to go or to proceed in a certain direction; to flow, to run, to move

We had just begun wending down the path between the overhanging elms when a harsh voice barked out at us to stop.


3. covert — hiding place, shelter; bushes or other wooded places serving to shelter game

I could well imagine them quaking in fear within their coverts as they heard the baying of our scent hounds and the heavy crush of our boots through the underbrush.


4. specific — particular remedy

In addition to the nutritive value of the root, the flowers may be boiled into a tea which is a specific against rheum or catarrh.


5. soubrette — lady’s maid in a theatrical production; maidservant

It is indeed rare that a rookie soubrette so thoroughly steals the show, but perhaps unique to see a young actress set the leading lady’s hat and wig on fire.


6. indicium — sign, token; mail marking used in place of stamps or cancellation (usu. plural)

“You can see it writ large, Brattleby, in every aspect of this young man’s appearance, the white tube socks, the too-high pants’ cuffs, the pocket protector, the halitosis even you must have noticed, the Monster Manual tucked under the arm, yes, all the indicia of a true nerd!”


7. kelson — (also keelson) timber lined alongside the keel on floor-timbers of a ship, attaching the one to the other

As Ahab points out, you’ll not get lower than the kelson on the craft, not unless you leave the vessel altogether to sink into the sea.


8. lorica — cuirass or corselet of leather

Since the mercenary could have no further use for his lorica, I made it my own.


9. selkie — mythological creature of the sea, appearing as a seal in the water, but becoming a human woman upon dry land

The talk was that the captain’s wife was a loving selkie who had sloughed her sealskin for love of the old sailor, which might have explained her barking laugh.


10. mantelet — short cloak

She sat in the subway bolt upright and dressed to the nines, though the fur-lined mantelet across her shoulders showed as some wear, and her thinning grey curls seemed to wither in the car’s insufferable heat.


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