Friday Vocabulary

1. nosology — classification of disease

Psychiatric nosology frequently ignores the cultural determinants of so-called mental illnesses.


2. fulminate — to flash like lightning; to explode; to thunder forth condemnation(s); to inveigh violently

Though the board has fulminated numberless edicts, motions, and denunciations against the developer, the situation remains exactly as it was one year ago.


3. peach — to inform against; to divulge

We stayed out of the ambit of Veronica James as much as possible, as she was known as a narc, having peached her parents to the cops for growing marijuana in their garage.


4. inconscient — unconscious

Try as you might to appeal to their reason, this mob is under the sway of inconscient passions and forces that cannot be negated by logic.


5. facetious — waggish, not meant to be taken seriously; humorous

I was on the very verge of calling my banker when I realized that Tomas was being merely facetious in making his ill-advised remarks about a run on the Central Bibb Trust & Bank.


6. ebrious — intoxicated; addicted to drink; of or related to intoxication

I certainly hope that these words were penned about me by some ebrious cad for I’m damned if I’ll allow a sober person to call me such names.


7. micturate — to urinate

The unrepentant miscreant was discovered micturating upon the very slippers that had sent him packing to the back yard only the day before.


8. harrow — to break up (as with a harrow); to crush, tear, lacerate; to despoil

He protested that he only wished me well, but Jeremy had so harrowed my deepest feelings in our previous encounter that I shied away from any more of his supposedly helpful verbal depredations.


9. fecund — capable of giving birth or of producing fruit; fruitful, prolific

Perhaps the story of my mistakes may provide fecund material from which true creative works may arise, just as delicious mushrooms may sprout forth from the most feculent manure.


10. excurrent — exiting, running out

Fighting against the excurrent high schoolers bursting their bonds on this the last day of school, the maudlin detective meditated as best he could in the noise and shoving upon the vicissitudes of life and just what percentage of these quondam students would come under his purview.


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