The Last 1k+ (101,000)

Once again, data about the last 1,000 (one thousand plus; see below) songs I listened to, which brought my total number of iTunes tracks heard up to 101,000.

Sing Me A Song Of The Swingin' '40s


We consider the songs heard since I hit one hundred thousand up through those which brought my total up to 101,000. Due to a new methodology, this made up more than 1,000 tracks — specifically, 1,043 items. These pieces were played through iTunes from June 9th to September 6, 2017.

New Methodology

The Problem

One issue I’ve alluded to before is the fact that as I’ve listened to each new thousand tracks, more than 1,000 tracks may be heard. This is because any song previously listened to which is heard again doesn’t contribute to the number of unique songs heard, but does add to the total number of tracks played over a given period of time. Additionally, any such old song heard may ‘push out’ a newly played track from a given set of the ‘last X’ of songs.

For example, if I’ve listened to 45 songs, and want to consider the last five songs listened to when I hit 50 unique tracks, I can envision the songs 41 through 45 thusly:

I then listen to four more brand new songs, bringing the total number of unique tracks up to 49.

At this point I listen to “Song A” again, which had previously been #41 — maybe I’m listening to my music on Random play, maybe I just like “Song A”.

But now “Song A” is #49 in my recently played accounting (it isn’t #50 because this song has been heard before, so doesn’t add to the total, just displaces previous ordering), and “Song E” becomes #44, though it had been #45 before. Thus when an entirely new song — “Song J” — is heard, if we only consider the most recent 5 tracks played bringing the total up to fifty, “Song F” is ignored, as this track which was once #46 is now #45.

Thus the “last x” songs may ignore newly played songs when previously played songs are heard again.

The Solution

To give a complete view of the most recently played tracks, therefore, we will consider the entirety of songs played since the last song mentioned in the previous review. We may end up looking at tracks we’ve seen before, but we will also have a more complete picture of the actual sounds heard through iTunes during the most recent addition of one thousand new tracks to the complete set of heard files.

New Problems

This new methodology means that the various percentages obtained are no longer immediately obvious from the absolute numbers involved. We must also consider whether to examine statistics for just the new songs or for the entire set. This we shall do on a case-by-case basis.


Given this new methodology, the first thing to be noted is that we shall consider 1,043 songs, as this is the number of tracks heard since the one hundred thousandth was played until 101,000 songs were played.

1,043 Songs Played

Of these 1,043 songs, 1,024 were heard for the first time.

We can no longer speak of “changes” to the conditions of my material life, as these changes now appear to have semi-permanent status. We will therefore not speak of these again. However, the effects of this unspoken continue unabated, and once again Radio Shows make up the plurality of the 1,000+ songs, although they do not preponderate this time: Almost 39% of all tracks played are Radio Shows.

38.93% of all tracks played were Radio Shows

To repeat, these 1,043 tracks were played between June 9th and September 6, 2017, a total of 89 days. Thus not quite 12 songs were played per day.

11.7 Songs played per Day

The total amount of time taken to play these 1k+ songs was 19 days, 19 hours, 52 minutes, and 45 seconds.

Total Time of Tracks: 19 Days, 19 Hours, 52 Minutes, and 45 Seconds

Since these songs were played over a stretch of 89 days, and given the total length of time of all played tracks above, this means that over 22% of this 89-day period was spent listening to iTunes in one way or another. This is a substantial reduction in the time per day listening to music, which corresponds to a substantial reduction in the material conditions of my life. (Darn, I wasn’t going to mention that….)

22.3% of Each Day spent listening to iTunes


5 hours, 20.8 minutes per day Listening to Stuff



The data shows the prevalence of Radio Shows in my recent listening. Here is a chart, broken down by genre, showing what was included in these one thousand tracks:

And here is a table showing those genres which each provided over 1% of the total number of tracks played:

Songs Played by Genre

Radio Show 406 38.9%
Rock 167 16%
SubGenius 60 5.75%
Classical 55 5.27%
Pop 41 3.93%
History 39 3.74%
Jazz 30 2.88%
Spoken & Audio 30 2.88%
World 24 2.30%
Gospel & Religioius 21 2.01%
Alternative 16 1.53%
Folk 16 1.53%
R&B 16 1.53%
Electronica/Dance 15 1.44%
Other 15 1.44%
Latin 14 1.34%
Novelty 14 1.34%
Punk 14 1.34%
Hip Hop/Rap 13 1.25%
Country 12 1.15%

All the rest of tracks played make up 2.4% of the total.

But once again the prevalence of Radio Shows is even greater than shown by this first view, since the average radio show is longer than most popular songs. If we inspect the tracks played with respect to their duration we discover that the Radio Show genre actually makes up just under 3/4 of the total.

74.17% of Listening Time devoted to Radio Shows

Here’s the chart:

And here’s the table of those genres contributing over 1% of the total time played:

Genre of Tracks Played by Time

Radio Show 74.17% 14d 16h 57m 4s
SubGenius 11.71% 2d 7h 43m 39s
History  3.73% 17h 46m 7s
Rock  2.57% 12h 14m 43s
Spoken & Audio  2.48% 11h 48m 13s
Gospel & Religious  1.20% 5h 43m 36s

Technically speaking, the SubGenius genre could be folded in with the Radio Shows, as this genre comprises for the most part the early broadcasts of The Hour of Slack, back when these aired over KNON in Dallas, Texas. (Now, of course, the church uses podcasts to spread its message, such as it is. (Although a 21st-century re-devival may be inaugurated if the new SubGenius documentary Slacking Towards Bethlehem reaches its Kickstarter goal. (Pledge now!))) If this were done, the total time for Radio Shows would rise to just under 86%, and the number of tracks would be 44.65%. I’m keeping these separate, however.

Both genres, however, averaged over fifty minutes per cut, which led to an average length for played tracks of twenty-seven minutes and twenty-three seconds. This represents a small decline in the average from the last thousand tracks, being a minute and one second less.

Average length of played tracks: 27:22.5

The longest tracks were much longer this time around, even though the total average was similar. The longest average belonged to the SubGenius shows, just below an hour at fifty-five minutes and forty-four seconds (55:43.7). Radio shows had the next longest average, at fifty-two minutes and ten seconds (52:09.6). Three other Genres averaged over ten minutes: History (27:20.2), Spoken & Audio (23:36.4), and Gospel & Religious (16:21.7 — this genre averaged so high because I listened to some the lengthiest suras from The Holy Quran).

Average Length of Tracks by Genre

SubGenius (60 tracks) 55:43.7
Radio Show (406 tracks) 52:09.6
History (39 tracks) 27:20.2
Spoken & Audio (30 tracks) 23:36.4
Gospel & Religious (21 tracks) 16:21.7
Electronica/Dance (15 tracks)  6:12.3
Country (12 tracks)  4:56.4
Folk (16 tracks)  4:54
Rock (167 tracks)  4:24.0
Jazz (30 tracks)  4:18.8
R&B (16 tracks)  4:11.3
Alternative (16 tracks)  4:10.4
Latin (14 tracks)  3:56.6
Hip Hop/Rap (13 tracks)  3:50.8
World (24 tracks)  3:44.7
Pop (41 tracks)  3:26.6
Classical (55 tracks)  3:14.1
Punk (14 tracks)  2:50.2
Other (15 tracks)  2:44.8
Novelty (14 tracks)  2:28

Perhaps the biggest surprise is the short average for the Classical genre, which one thinks of as having longer movements.


Once again the Radio Show ‘albums’ contribute a large number of the tracks, and the major contributor from the last thousand supplied even more this time around. This was the Lux Radio Theatre, which provided nearly two hundred tracks (196). Besides the SubGenius Hour of Slack, another non-radio album gave over forty tracks to the cause, James Kibble’s rendition of Bach‘s Chorale Preludes for organ. In all, 9 albums had ten or more tracks played, and those 9 accounted for 443 (of 1043) tracks played.

9 albums provided 443 tracks (42.5%)

Rounding out the 9 albums mentioned above, two more non-radio albums appear, a 1988 Frost Amphitheatre show by Jerry Garcia, and a mediocre Christian Rock album — which went double platinum and was the 4th best selling Christian album of the 2000s — Almost There by MercyMe.

Lux Radio Theatre 196 tracks
Hour of Slack 54
Sears Radio Theater 53
NBC University Theater 46
Bach Organ Works – Individual Chorale Preludes 41
The General Mills Radio Adventure Theater 16
CBS Radio Mystery Theater 14
1988-07-09 – Frost Amphitheatre 13
Almost There 10


Except those shows and musicians mentioned earlier, only one artist breaks into the most played list with more than ten tracks — Columbia recording artist, Bob Dylan. He appears 29 times.


Almost the entirety of these 1,043 tracks were played for the first time. Only 19 songs had been played more than once, for a total of 61 plays. Of these, Led Zeppelin’s “The Rain Song” and The Honeydrippers’s cover of “Sea of Love” have been played the most, with both tracks racking up eight plays apiece.

Only three other songs among these with repeated plays were played more than twice: “The Blues Are Still Blue” by Belle & Sebastian and the Star Trek theme with Shatner’s voiceover auf Deutsch (both played 7 times), and the chant of a Pokot witch doctor from the album Kenya & Tanzania: Witchcraft & Ritual Music (played thrice).

The shortest track was only 8 seconds long, an Hour of Slack intro created by Mr. F. Le Mur. The longest track lasted two hours, thirty minutes and forty-six seconds; this was “Face of the Foe”, a week-long radio drama, from the series Zero Hour hosted by Rod Serling, which originally aired in 1973. The song closest to the average length (the median) was “The Lily of St Pierre” from the 1940’s radio program The Damon Runyon Theatre which clocks in at twenty-seven minutes and nineteen seconds.


The average rating for all 1,000+ tracks was 3-1/2 stars. Once again, this is lower than usual for my rated items.

One of the reasons for the lengthier tracks in this last set of songs is my desire to make up for the deficit in tracks played by total time. I had achieved the goal of having played half of my iTunes collection whether looked at from number of tracks, total time of all songs, or amount of data occupied by all of the files. With the introduction of a significant set of radio shows into my collection, I no longer can claim to have listened to half my collection — at least not in terms of total time of all tracks (I have still heard more than half the tracks by total number and total file size). Though almost twenty days of iTunes were listened to in this last 1000+, only sixteen days (and ten hours) were gained towards the halfway point, due to additions to my collection since the last report. At the time of the 101,000th song play, the differential between played and unplayed tracks amounted to 120 days, 5 hours, 11 minutes, 37 seconds (321 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes, and 56 seconds [played] vs. 441 days, 4 hours, 4 minutes, and 19 seconds [unplayed]). If no other tracks are added or deleted (which is already not true), I’d need to listen to just half this amount to reach the halfway point. Thus:

60 days, 2-1/2 hours of listening to reach the halfway point

Besides the radio shows I’ve previously named as worth checking out, I’d like to add Stand By For Crime. (Trigger Warning: blatant sexism)

Another radio show which deserves your especial attention is Freedom, U.S.A., which follows Senator Dean Edwards (played by Tyrone Power) as he defends the U.S. Constitution, ferrets out mal- and misfeasance, and protects freedom — not just in the good ol’ U.S. of A., but around the entire world. The program is an audible, laudable civics lesson, hearkening back to an earlier age when words had meanings and communication was still possible.*

*But see Rebecca West’s “There Is No Conversation” for a contrasting viewpoint (several, in fact).

(Now standard procrastinatory disclaimer paragraph)

I still hope to make an analysis of the full set of my first 100,000 songs. But I do not doubt that …. Blah, blah, blah, blah….

Here is another 10% sample of these last one thousand songs:

Every Tenth Track of One Thousand (plus!) Tracks

#† Artist Name Album Date Time Genre
-40 “Pokot Witch Doctor” Kenya & Tanzania: Witchcraft & Ritual Music 1975 3:09 Folk
-30 Frank Lovejoy “Zero” Night Beat 2/6/50 30:23 Radio Show
-20 Ray Bourbon “Strong, Solid, Sensational” Top 50 Classics – The Very Best of Ray Bourbon 2015 3:19 Novelty
-10 Space Patrol “Revenge of Dr Yeager” Space Patrol 2/13/54 28:48 Radio Show
0 Words At War “Apartment In Athens” Words At War 4/10/45 28:19 Radio Show
10 John Dehner “Heyboy’s Revenge” Have Gun, Will Travel 3/1/59 25:04 Radio Show
20 Space Patrol “The Tattooed Atom” Space Patrol 6/12/54 29:15 Radio Show
30 Bette Grable & Dan Dailey “Mother Wore Tights” Lux Radio Theatre 11/14/49 58:15 Radio Show
40 Judy Garland & Hans Conried “The Wizard of Oz” Lux Radio Theatre 12/25/50 59:46 Radio Show
50 Barry Fitzgerald “Top O’ the Morning” Lux Radio Theatre 3/17/52 58:33 Radio Show
60 Olivia de Haviland “The Heiress” Lux Radio Theatre 9/11/50 52:25 Radio Show
70 Church of the SubGenius “Hour of Slack #342 – Will O’ Dobbs filling in for Stang” Hour of Slack 1992 1:02:01 SubGenius
80 Sears Radio Theater “Hizzoner Hamlet” Sears Radio Theater 4/17/79 51:05 Radio Show
90 NBC University Theater “The Ides Of March” NBC University Theater 1/15/50 59:28 Radio Show
100 artist “track” album 1:17:07 Spoken & Audio
110 Joseph Cotten “The Steel Trap” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 9/14/53 57:15 Radio Show
120 CBS Radio Mystery Theater “No Hiding Place” CBS Radio Mystery Theater 1/10/74 51:24 Radio Show
130 Jeanne Crain & William Holden “Apartment for Peggy” Lux Radio Theatre 2/28/49 55:14 Radio Show
140 Bobby Driscoll “Peter Pan” Lux Radio Theatre 12/21/53 50:28 Radio Show
150 Dana Andrews & Steve Forrest “One Foot in Heaven” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 7/27/53 55:11 Radio Show
160 “History of Border Radio – Part 1” History Of Border Radio 49:47 Spoken & Audio
170 Lucille Ball “The Dark Corner” Lux Radio Theatre 11/10/47 59:21 Radio Show
180 Ray Milland “It Happens Every Spring” Lux Radio Theatre 10/3/49 58:36 Radio Show
190 Church of the SubGenius “Hour of Slack #356” Hour of Slack 1992 1:03:07 SubGenius
200 Virginia Mayo & John Lund “The Iron Mistress” Lux Radio Theatre 12/28/54 54:14 Radio Show
210 Humphrey Bogart & Walter Huston “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” Lux Radio Theatre 4/18/49 59:48 Radio Show
220 NBC University Theater “Tono Bungary” NBC University Theater 3/5/50 59:31 Radio Show
230 John Hodiak “Somewhere in the Night” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 3/3/47 49:38 Radio Show
240 Tyrone Power “Immigration Bill” Freedom, U.S.A. 1/27/53 47:09 Radio Show
250 Roddy McDowall & Preston Foster “Thunderhead, Son of Flicka” Lux Radio Theatre 2/25/46 59:02 Radio Show
260 Jane Wyman “Devotion” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 2/17/47 50:12 Radio Show
270 Ray Milland & Dorothy McGuire “The Winslow Boy” Lux Radio Theatre 1/18/54 56:00 Radio Show
280 Wallace Beery & Margaret O’Brien “Bad Bascombe” Lux Radio Theatre 3/1/48 56:39 Radio Show
290 “John Kennedy Assassination (Part 3)” News 1963 11/22/1963 48:36 History
300 Joan Fontaine & Vincent Price “Frenchmen’s Creek” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 2/10/47 56:03 Radio Show
310 Robert Young & Dorothy McGuire “The Enchanted Cottage” [rehearsal] Lux Radio Theatre 9/3/45 59:34 Radio Show
320 Edward G. Robinson & Claire Trevor “Key Largo” Lux Radio Theatre 11/28/49 59:54 Radio Show
330 Sears Radio Theater “Vienna Three and Four” Sears Radio Theater 7/6/79 40:07 Radio Show
340 Sears Radio Theater “Milwaukee Deep” Sears Radio Theater 5/11/79 50:38 Radio Show
350 Jerry Garcia Band “Little Sadie” 1988-07-09 – Frost Amphitheatre 1988 6:20 Rock
360 Rhythm Future Quartet “Ornithology” Jim’s New Songs for 2016 4:29 Jazz
370 Lord Haw Haw William Joyce “Germany Calling – Russo-Finnish War Concluded 4/13/1940” News 1940 1940 13:02 History
380 The Dream Syndicate “When You Smile” 1984-12-16 – Tokyo, Shibuya Kokaido – Live Tokyo 1984 6:32 Rock
390 MercyMe “House Of God” Almost There 2001 3:13 Gospel & Religious
400 Maxine Weldon “Lend Me Your Life” Alone On My Own 1975 2:29 R&B
410 Hank Williams [complete show] 1952-07-13 – West Grove, PA, Sunset Grove 1952 28:37 Country
420 Joan Caufield “Dear Ruth” Lux Radio Theatre 4/26/48 58:12 Radio Show
430 Shock “No Se Puede Ser Superman” Andergraun Vibrations! Spanish Hard Psych and Beyond 1970/1975 2:44 Rock
440 The Bevis Frond “Somewhere Else” Any Gas Faster 1990 3:08 Rock
450 Cab Calloway “What’s Buzzin’ Cousin” Collection: Cab Calloway 2:40 Jazz
460 Lawrence Walker “Mamou Two Step” As Good As It Gets – Cajun 2:26 Folk
470 James Kibbie “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” BWV706 Bach Organ Works – Individual Chorale Preludes 2:22 Classical
480 James Kibbie “Christ lag in Todes Banden” BWV718 Bach Organ Works – Individual Chorale Preludes 4:40 Classical
490 James Kibbie “Vater unser im Himmelreich” BWV737 Bach Organ Works – Individual Chorale Preludes 2:05 Classical
500 James Kibbie “Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Schöpfer” BWV765 Bach Organ Works – Individual Chorale Preludes 2:41 Classical
510 Control Machete “De Perros Amores” Amores Perros (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) 2000 3:53 Rock
520 The Barry Gray Orchestra “Captain Scarlet” The Avengers & Other Top Sixties TV Themes 1967 1:51 Soundtrack
530 Superlitio “Santos Sapos Saltarines” Marciana 1999 2:51 Rock
540 Bethany Dillon “All I Need” Bethany Dillon 2004 3:15 Gospel & Religious
550 Nick Lowe “Poor Side Of Town” The Convincer 2001 3:51 Rock
560 “Track 09” 2:11 Other
570 The Band “Long Ways To Tennessee” Tombstone: The Lost Album 3:38 Rock
580 “General Construction” 133 Authentic Sound Effects 0:36 Other
590 Peggy, Barbara, & Penny Seeger “It’s A Lie” The Three Sisters 1956 1:41 Folk
600 Urge Overkill “View Of The Rain” Exit The Dragon 1995 4:42 Rock
610 The Skip Rats “I’m Ready If You’re Willing” Music To My Ears 1995 2:24 Rock
620 Bob Hall “Purely for Pleasure” The Green Hornet 12/12/44 29:19 Radio Show
630 The Crystal Method “Bound Too Long” Legion of Boom 2003 6:23 Electronica/Dance
640 Thin Lizzy “The Boys Are Back In Town” Dedication – The Very Best of Thin Lizzy 1991 4:29 Rock
650 Sears Radio Theater “The Joke Is on Guess Who” Sears Radio Theater 7/18/79 40:58 Radio Show
660 Church of the SubGenius “Hour of Slack #150 – SubGenius 101 Introductory Show” Hour of Slack 1988 58:32 SubGenius
670 Ronald Colman & Maureen O’Sullivan “Berkeley Square” Lux Radio Theatre 12/18/44 59:38 Radio Show
680 The Beastie Boys “Sure Shot” Ill Communication 3:19 Hip Hop/Rap
690 Frank Crumit “One Little Raindrop” Top 100 Classics – The Very Best of Frank Crumit 2015 2:31 Pop
700 The Grateful Dead “Promised Land” 1973-02-09 – Maples Pavilion [my tape] 1972 3:06 Rock
710 Victor Moore “It Happened on Fifth Avenue” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 5/19/47 50:23 Radio Show
720 Gigaboy “Locoz (Debraye Version)” Stereo-Sonico [csr062] 2005 3:19 Electronica/Dance
730 Pegboy “My Youth” Three-Chord Monte 2:43 Punk
740 The General Mills Radio Adventure Theater “The Last of the Mohicans” The General Mills Radio Adventure Theater 4/9/77 39:43 Radio Show
750 The Ramones “I’m Not An Answer” Too Tough To Die 2:16 Punk
760 CBS “CBS World News Today 8/12/1945” News 1945 1945 25:10 History
770 Bob Peck “Sweet Sixteen” Songs That Never Made The Hymnal 1955 2:03 Novelty
780 Jethro Tull “Cross-eyed Mary” Bursting Out 1978 3:56 Rock
790 “School Bell or Town Crier Bell” 133 Authentic Sound Effects 0:25 Other
800 Dr. Feelgood “I’m a Man” Stupidity 1976 5:10 R&B
810 Mr. F. Le Mur “HOS Intro #808 – A Place Of Ivan” 13013 – HOS Intros 1953 0:21 SubGenius
820 Joan Blondell & Paul Lukas “Deadline at Dawn” Lux Radio Theatre 5/20/46 57:33 Radio Show
830 Ilegales “Sigan bailando” Ilegales 1995 4:32 Latin
840 Pablo Casals & Nikolai Mednikoff “Nocturne in E-Flat, Op. 9, No. 2” The Early Recordings 1925-1928 1972 4:37 Classical
850 Dorothy McGuire “Mother Didn’t Tell Me” [AFRS] Lux Radio Theatre 11/16/54 53:15 Radio Show
860 Lil’ Markie “Medley: B-O-R-N A-G-A-I-N/For God So Loved The World” Music To Serve The Lord By 2:26 Gospel & Religious
870 “Battle of Midway Island 6/7/1942” News 1942 1942 20:12 History
880 Toots & The Maytals “Funky Kingston” Reggae Greats 1997 3:30 World
890 Rex Harrison & Irene Dunne “Anna and the King of Siam” Lux Radio Theatre 1/20/47 57:47 Radio Show
900 Kyle Jason “Leave This World” SLAMJamz Records 2:22 Hip Hop/Rap
910 Johann Sebastian Bach “Brandenburg Concertos No. 5 in D major (Allegro)” BWV1050 Golden Classics – Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 1992 5:39 Classical
920 Joni Mitchell “Big Yellow Taxi” Ladies of the Canyon 1970 2:14 Pop
930 CBS Radio Mystery Theater “Honeymoon With Death” CBS Radio Mystery Theater 1/11/74 44:31 Radio Show
940 Chocolate Milk “Girl Callin'” We’re All in This Together 5:30 R&B
950 Powder Monkeys “Ugly” Smashed On A Knee 1993 3:59 Punk
960 Radio Birdman “American Ruse” Rock’n’Roll War 2:42 Rock
970 “Hoot Owl (cont.)” 133 Authentic Sound Effects 0:11 Other
980 Booker T. & The MG’s “Can’t Be Still” Best of Booker T. and The MG’s 1989 2:00 Rock
990 Dick Robertson “We Did It Before (And We Can Do It Again)” Decca 4117 1941 2:28 Pop
1000 Jerry Garcia Band “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” 1977-07-02 – Palo Alto, CA 1977 18:49 Rock

†The numbering here is “up to” the 101,000th song, thus negative count numbers are shown for those tracks which got “pushed down” below the 100k mark, due to those forces mentioned in the opening section of this post. To get the current track count simply add 100,000.


See you next time! (Very soon, as I’m less than 75 tracks before the next 1k are heard!)