One Hundred and Five Thousand Songs (105,000)

I have just listened to my 105,000th unique iTunes track, Ringo Starr’s “Six O’Clock” from his album Ringo. It’s a middling song from an otherwise surprisingly good solo album from the Fourth Beatle. 105,000 unique tracks makes up 771.99 GB of data, having a total duration of 376 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 6 …

One Hundred and Four Thousand Songs

Or, A Full Year’s Worth of Songs! I have just listened to my 104,000th unique iTunes track, Thelonious Monk’s “Ruby My Dear”. This particular version seems to have Glenn Gould-itis, as someone can be heard muttering into the microphone as the piano is played. 104,000 unique tracks comprises 760.81 GB of data, with a total …

One Hundred and Three Thousand Songs (Captain’s log, supplemental)

I listened to my 103,000th unique iTunes track a little while ago — on January 9 — but have not until this moment posted the news, due to fatigue, lack of time, and a realization of unimportance. Track number 103,000 was the 1947 Green Hornet episode, “City Hall Shakeup”, which originally aired on July 15 …

One Hundred and Two Thousand (102,000)

Just listened to my 102,000th unique iTunes track, John Cale’s “Fairweather Friend” from his 1970 album Vintage Violence. 102,000 unique tracks comprises 731.52 GB of data, with a total duration of 332 days, 10 hours, 24 minutes, and 27 seconds (ignoring multiple plays). My iTunes collection still has 88,046 items left unplayed — 713 more …

One Hundred And One Thousand Songs

Just listened to my 101,000th unique iTunes track, a long (and at times quite good) version of “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” by The Jerry Garcia Band at one of many shows at the Keystone Palo Alto in 1977, this one on July 2nd (how did anyone in the Bay Area get anything done in 1977?). …

100,000 Songs

Just listened to my 100,000th unique iTunes track, the plaintive “I Wonder Where You Are Tonight” by The Louvin Brothers, appearing here on their collection Close Harmony. Preceding that song was the Argentine rock band Bersuit Vergarabat’s “Fisurar” (from La Argentinidad Al Palo), and next up is “Blood and Sand” by Pigface, from the album …

99,000 Songs on the Wall (of Data)

As promised, though belated, herewith are some points derived from data pursuant to the tranche of the most recent 1,000 songs which brought my total of iTunes tracks listened to up to the 99,000 mark. In the contemporary thought space, one calls such points and the thoughts about them ‘insights’, which pleads a special power …

Ninety-nine Thousand (99,000)

Just listened to my 99,000th unique iTunes track, a bland piece of nothing from the Freaky Friday soundtrack, “Brand New Day” by Forty Foot Echo. I would have preferred the milestone to have fallen to the preceding song, Steve Earle’s “Down The Road” from Guitar Town. 99,000 unique tracks comprises 653.99 GB of data, with …