Book List: 1200 Books

As I told you over two months ago, I recently finished my twelve hundredth book in my little silly book tracking project. So—though we won’t be talking about the silly book pictured here (if you must know more about this awful and boring religious book masquerading as a science fiction slash fantasy novel, check out …

1200 Books

Hardly 20 minutes have passed since I finished my 1200th book in my silly book-tracking project, which I began in earnest ‘way back in 2015. As per usual, I do not count comics and graphic novels (nor books about comics, for that matter) towards this total figure, though I am tracking the aggregate numbers as …

Book List: 1100 Books (The Last Hundred)

As I told you not too very long ago .. oh, who am I fooling? it’s been quite over a month now … I recently passed the eleven hundredth book read in my little silly book tracking project. And that means it’s time once again to foist upon you a listing of all of the …

Book List: 1000 Books

As I’m trying not to procrastinate quite as much as I did last time I finished a tranche of one hundred books, let’s get right down to the listing of all those last books read, from #901 through my thousandth (!) book read since beginning this silly little book tracking project back in the two-thousand-teens. …