201 Books! (This Changes Everything)


Previous post(s) about reading 200 books have errors. Please disregard. More details follow, with more to come.

Well, that just shows that data analysis is only as good (at best) as the underlying data…

Whilst scrubbing data in my books database — which is something I do, and you should do it too — I discovered that I had read a book almost a year-and-a-half ago, but had neglected to mark it as read in my database! This means that the book I had previously designated as my 200th book, Double Cross Purposes by Ronald Knox, was actually the 201st book (assuming I find no further errors in the underlying data), and that my earlier blog post about the last hundred books I’ve read was in error. Preliminarily, it now appears that my actual 200th book was The 2nd Scientific American Book Of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions by (of course) Martin Gardner.

I apologize for the error, for which I am entirely responsible. I hope that you can forgive, though I realize that absolution must come from a higher source. After I have verified the now corrected data, I will make the analysis once more and present the amended results. I am glad that at least my mistake was discovered before I had completed the list of the books read, and promise to deliver that shortly after I’ve published the updated data. I hope that none of my readers have lost money on any wagers based on my earlier blog post. Again, I crave your forgiveness and will strive to not make such a mistake again.