One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand (119,000) Songs

Around ten thirty this morning I once more crossed an imaginary line in my mind and find that I have now listened to 119,000 unique iTunes ‘songs’.* The 119,000th track was a fairly pedestrian effort by Glenn Miller’s band, with vocals by Ray Eberle, “And the Angels Sing”. It was on a Reader’s Digest compilation I picked up not so very long ago at a La Jolla estate sale, Memories Of You. Not much to say about the tune; there are better Glenn Miller cuts, and better performances by Mr. Eberle. To be fair, I don’t think the underlying chart is all that interesting.

The Stats

As I crossed the imaginary line of 119,000 tracks heard, I find that I’ve listened to (or endured, in some cases) 516 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 27 seconds of total music and other audio (↑ 3 days and 1-1/2 hours), which occupy 796.23 GB of digital ‘space’ (↑ 16.4 GB). Remaining to be heard in my iTunes library are 75,839 tracks, 559 less than last time we spoke—which means I’ve added 441 new files since then. Those unheard tunes take up 518.58 GB (↓ 4.28 GB) of hard drive memory, and would take 261 days, 11 hours, 53 minutes, and 30 seconds (↓ 2 days and 9 hours) to listen toil I were to listen to them straight through.

To reach the 119,000th unique track, I listened to 1,112 songs since track #118,000. Those songs occupy 6.93 GB of data, and 3 days, 7 hours, and 41 minutes of time. Once again I’ve been prioritizing previously unheard tracks, thus the majority of the songs listened to were heard for the first time.

It took 90 days to listen to the last thousand songs, not quite two weeks longer than the previous millennium of tunes. This gives an average pace of a little over 11 new songs heard each day.

11.11 New Tracks Heard per Day

If we include the previously heard songs, we find that I heard 12.4 tracks per day, a drop from the pace of almost fifteen per day I achieved in the previous set of thousand.

12.36 Tracks Heard per Day

I now plan/hope to give a fuller analysis once I hit 120,000 songs. But … we shall see. (Also see the previous post on my iTunes listening for a further note about this sort of data and where I’m at now.)


And now I bid you adieu, until the next time.

* As I have said before, I use the term ‘song’ here simply to mean an audio file of any kind, not necessarily a piece of music. Indeed, while much of what I listen to is disdained as not even music by my compadres, even I will admit that many tracks which show up in my random play are not actually music, such as the radio address of Father Charles Couglin I listened to back in June (in which he (surprisingly) spoke in support of President Roosevelt, his usual enemy). However, I’ll use the term as a general catch-all for the various tracks and excerpts and what-have you. Thus radio dramas, sound clips from TV shows, band introductions, children’s stories, WWII news broadcasts, and any other sound files are included in the basket of ‘songs’ as I use this term.

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