Monday Book Report: Agnes Grey

In partial fulfillment of the promise I made to read works by the sisters of Charlotte Brontë, and in partial penance for baiting remarks I made purporting to disdain “women writers”, I have just completed Agnes Grey by the lesser Baldwin—I mean Brontë, of course—Anne Brontë, the youngest sibling of the much ballyhooed literary sisterhood. …

Monday Book Report: Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a 170 year-old romance novel in which the protagonists are beautiful only on the inside, their outward unattractiveness being dunned into the reader’s poor brain at every opportunity. I have read only one other author’s romance novels heretofore — by accident (thinking they were mysteries) — and though I should …

Book List: 4th Century, 1st Quarter

I decided both that the actual lists of books read is my favorite part of this tracking nonsense, and that I cannot wait until an entire new century of books has been read before updating you, my impatient readers. Thus, I herewith present the most recent twenty-five (25) books read, #301 – #325 if you’re …

Monday Book Report: Doomsday: The End of the World–A View Through Time

“I Read It So You Don’t Have To” Department Doomsday: The End of the World–A View Through Time by Russell Chandler is a meandering, badly held together set of essays about human ideas and experiences with the end of all things. The book is strongest when it dives into modern Christian apocalyptic thought and history. …

Monday Book Report: Caligula For President

The Truth Won’t Set You Free Department I follow Ralph Waldo Emerson’s dictum to not read books less than a year old for two reasons, and the second is not laziness. Caligula For President proved (in both senses) the second reason, because reading this book now convulses and repulses in a way it could not …

300 Books: The List (Part II)

And now comes the second half of the list of the most recently read hundred books, books numbers 251 to 300. You may peruse the first half of the list here. This latter half-century has slightly more variety than the first had, though the mystery genre still has the lion’s share. Book read #251 is …

Monday Book Report: Bound For Murder

“I Read It So You Don’t Have To” Department I learned many things from Bound For Murder, the 3rd scrapbooking mystery in the series by the pseudonymous Laura Childs. In the end section devoted to scrapbooking tips and recipes I discovered that you can mix mango, cilantro, olive oil with red and green peppers and …

Time To Completion: at 300 Books

As previously mentioned, I want to focus upon a statistic first surfaced at the conclusion of my note explaining a data issue which messed up the analysis of my previous hundred books read. At that time I noted that at the then-current pace of 4.58 books per day I would need 106.5 years to complete …

Analysis: The 3rd Hundred Books

or, More Findings of No Ultimate Interest As I said last week, I have now read 300 books of my collection since I started tracking my reading back in June 2015. Now follows a shallow analysis of the books in this last hundred books, eschewing (mostly) reference to books in the “Comics & Graphic Novel” …