Hannah’s First Baseball Game

In a losing effort, Hannah and I cheered on the Braves (well, the 3 year-old girl sometimes cheered for the wrong team…) on this date 15 years ago. It was Barry Bonds ball night (BOO!!!), and I still have the ball, never having had the chance to throw it at an appropriate person. SF Giants …

The Marvelous Mundane

Taking a break from reading Chaucer, and from investigating the sources for The Nun’s Priest’s Tale (notably, of course, the story of Reynard and Chaunticleer), as well as briefly dipping into George Lyman Kittredge’s analysis of how Chaucer tells his tales, I found myself reading two completely unrelated poems: “Sea Fever” by John Masefield, and …

Those Sirens Aren’t Mermaids, Just Voices in Your Head

More from the Book of Duh: Again from the BBC, citing the US National Ocean Service: There are no such things as mermaids. Or, as the report more scientifically stated: “No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found.” The wonders of scientific progress continue. Sailors can breathe more easily. Next up: Zombies and Vampires.