Monday Book Report: The Information Inferno

I Read It So You Don’t Have To Dept. The Information Inferno, by Whodini™ If it is hard for ‘kids today’ to appreciate what life was like before the advent of cell phones, it is almost as difficult even for those of us who lived through that strange sea change we now just call ‘the …

Friday Vocabulary

1. mansuete — mild, gentle, meek And so, my brother, I implore you to enter this holy season with a mansuete and humble inclination, turning your thoughts away from the recent unpleasantnesses.   2. emmet — ant Consider the lowly emmet, too small to have large thoughts, yet still he has concern for his community …

Friday Vocabulary

1. brangle — to squabble, to noisily dispute Though I’ve had to contend with many a bothersome neighbor, this Kenneth was the only one I ever had predisposed to brangle over any issue, no matter how small.   2. nonage — legal minority; immaturity Due to this similarity in name he had had judgement passed …

Friday Vocabulary

1. cerement (usu. pl cerements) — cerecloths for wrapping the dead; burial clothes or wrappings But in the morning when finally we opened the innermost coffin, we discovered only a desiccated pile of cerements, as if the corpse itself had somehow dematerialized from its tomb after burial.   2. lour (variant of lower) — to …

Friday Vocabulary

1. luthier — maker of stringed instruments In addition to being a talented songwriter in her own right, Shelsea is also a trained luthier, having learned the craft from her uncle who crafted guitars and mandolins for the greats of the Grand Ol’ Opry.   2. nard — scented balsam derived from the Himalayan spikenard …

Friday Vocabulary

1. soubise — onion sauce For this delicate filet an equally delicate soubise is the perfect accompaniment, the sauce also serving to highlight the flavor of the fresh leeks.   2. prescind — to cut off; to separate in thought, to consider apart But as Peirce points out, one cannot prescind color from space or …