One Hundred And Twenty Thousand Songs (120,000)

This afternoon I listened to my 120,000th unique iTunes ‘song’.* The 119,000th track was the rockin’ Ric Cartey number, “Scratching On My Screen”, found on Volume 6 of Rockabilly Gold.

The Stats

At six score thousand tracks heard, I’ve listened to 519 days, 8 hours, 31 minutes, and 48 seconds of total music and other audio (↑ 3 days and 3-1/2 hours), which occupy 792.92 GB of digital ‘space’ (↑ 6.4 GB)†. Remaining to be heard in my iTunes library are 75,222 tracks, 617 less than my last report—which means I’ve added 383 new files since then. Those unheard tunes take up 514.73 GB (↓ 3.75 GB) of hard drive memory, and would take 259 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes, and 10 seconds (↓ 2 days and 4 hours) to listen to if I were to listen to them straight through. But who’s counting?

To reach the 120,000th unique track, I listened to 1,253 songs since track #119,000. Those songs occupy 7.99 GB of data, and 3 days, 17 hours, and 4 minutes of time. I’ve started—albeit a tad tardily—compiling songs for this year’s Xmas CDs, and so the number of repeats is bound to go up.

It took 110 days to listen to the last thousand songs, twenty days more than the previous millennium of tunes. This gives an average pace of a little under 9.1 new songs heard each day.

9.09 New Tracks Heard per Day

If we include the previously heard songs, we find that I heard 11.4 tracks per day, a drop from the pace of almost fifteen per day I achieved in the previous set of thousand.

11.39 Tracks Heard per Day

I plan on providing a fuller analysis once I hit 120,000 songs, maybe after NaNoWriMo ends.

And now, good night, an hour early, until the next time.


* As I have said before, I use the term ‘song’ to mean an audio file of any kind, not necessarily a piece of music. Indeed, while much of what I listen to is disdained as not even music by my compatriots, even I will admit that many tracks which show up in my random play are not actually music. Thus radio dramas, sound clips from TV shows, band introductions, children’s stories, WWII news broadcasts, and any other sound files are included in the basket of ‘songs’ as I use this term.

† There appears to have been a typo in my last report, and I should have reported 786 GB used therein, rather than 796.

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